Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't Be An Assumption

Good morning and happy Friday. There are two people doing the same thing every morning at my job. They come in to sell breakfast burritos. I've watched them now for a while and have noticed something. One has a shirt on with the business name and asks people if they want to buy some. The other comes in regular clothes and doesn't say much. She is assuming people know what she's there for and isn't active in what she's trying to do. The other let's everyone know and gives them all the chance to make up their own mind. That's us with our sharing the faith we have and the good news of Jesus. We just assume people will ask us if we look the part. Needless to say the one talking about his burritos is selling the most of them. People will ask you about salvation but that should be the ones we missed by mistake. Let the world know one person at a time. Go and let the world see and hear you doing Gods work and not assume they know you are. In love always. <><

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Empty Cross

Good morning and happy Thursday. You see all the time a crucifix of Jesus on a cross. It's a good reminder of what our sin cost. We need that sometimes. But what does a cross with no Jesus on it remind you of. I hope that it reminds you these things. It's finished. He has taken our sins away and they are no longer ours to carry. Lay them there at the foot of the cross and leave them. We spend more time beating ourselves up over our sin and feeling guilty than we do getting on with Gods business. When they took Jesus down from the cross, they took down our troubles, woes and worries. He's not on the cross anymore and neither is everything He took there with Him. When you see a cross, rejoice in your salvation and know that death has no victory over you while you are in Christ Jesus. See the empty cross, and know that your are forgiven. See the cross and know that you have been paid for. See the cross and know that you are loved more than you can imagine. But to see the cross in the first place you have to turn and look at it. You are gonna have to move to see it. He's done His part, it's time to do ours. In love always. <><

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't Loose Focus

Good morning and happy Wednesday. This is the fourth day. The week is busy again. Plans for the summer are being made. Hoping you can go somewhere with gas the way it is. And some just wondering if they will make it period with gas the way it is. A lot of things are on our minds again. Our focus has left Easter. Most of us are no longer talking about the good messages we heard Sunday or what that day was really about. We get back to busy. But we did do Easter. Check that off the list for the year. But Easter and everything it is, is everyday and we just don't make the time to remember it. Don't keep it on a shelf and use it once in a while. Wear it like a new shirt. Everyday all the time. Take it off to wash it and get your stuff off it and put it back on. Wear it out. Stop being so busy we forget and have to be reminded what has been done for us every day. In love always. <><

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Now What Are We Gonna Do?

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So now what? He's been seen. He's eased Thomas' doubts and He's gone to Heaven. What they do now is the answer to what we do now. They were scared for their lives and had gotten themselves distanced from someone they knew. But now nothing stops them from telling the world about Him and what He's done and what He can do for them. With more passion than ever they go out into the cities and tell the good news. We've distanced ourselves from Him too at times. We know who He is and what He's done and yet we're still not that close to Him. Many are but more are not. I don't think you can be close to Him and be quiet about it. I just don't hear the noise of people talking about Him much. I want their passion after it was all over. After He was gone from them. That's when they really got it. If you're not talking about Him, start. The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. In love always. <><

Easter Monday

Good morning and happy Monday. So now He's risen. But the stories are already out that it's not true. So for the next 40 days Jesus appears to about 500 different people at different times. All to reinforce what has really happened. What He said is true. He is truth. So everything that He's taught and said about life, death, and eternity are all true. He commanded them to go and spread the good news and make disciples out of the nations. That's our job today. Don't let the meaning of it all die this week. Make it last a lifetime. Jesus is alive today and everyday. Spread the news. In love always. <><