Friday, October 7, 2011

That's My Job

Good morning and happy Friday. For some, Friday is payday. Man what a nice feeling of being rewarded for something you've done. Not all of us feel that way about our jobs. It's just that, a job. But the reward part is always there. For some the reward is the job. They just love it and would do it for free. For others, it just helps pay some bills. The diversity of it all is what fascinates me. But when all is said and done you still get paid (rewarded) for being there. God has a reward for us too and it's just as diverse has to who likes what they're doing now to get there.  This life is so short in the big picture but we live like it's forever. Our "job" here is to spread His word and do His work. Some don't like it and others would do it for nothing. And we will all be rewarded but it's a big deal on payday as to how well you did your job this time. It doesn't have to be employee of the week good. It just needs to be good in God's eyes. A good heart and meaning well won't cut it. It's the relationship with God that helps you do the job well. It's the relationship with Him that gets the reward. Spend some time getting closer to God and the rest takes care of itself. In love always. <><

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Be Still and Quiet

Good morning and happy Thursday. Be still and be quiet. That must be the message for today. That's all I hear Him say. So today be still with Him and listen to what He is going to say. Take comfort in knowing that He is doing things in our lives all the time. He reveals Himself to us everyday. His glory shines all around us. Today let's enjoy a day of being in His presence. And the quiet of not being in the world. Let every decision be made with Him on your mind and heart. What a glorious day. Thank you God. In love always. <><

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

All The People

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So I'm driving home from Tulia last night on 287 and see a few cars and trucks and moving vans. Where are they going?  What happened, if anything?  What is their story?  Funny thing is, they may be wondering the same thing of me. I just left my youngest daughters volleyball game and she's upset about some stuff. We talk and I'm driving down the highway with tears flowing. No one knows. It's dark and we're all passing each other. As long as things are in the dark they're not seen. No one knows the trial you may be facing. When it's out in the light, that's when people come. But all those cars made me think of how many people I'm passing everyday that could really use somebody. All these people, each with their own problems. It's hard to see it when we're just passing by. We need to be aware that we're not the only ones going through stuff. And in most cases, ours would seem small compared to others. The volleyball game was the teams big cancer survivors dedication game and announcing the one fighting it now that they are playing the season for. It's all in perspective. In love always. <>< 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

One Can Make a Difference

Good morning and happy Tuesday. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. So now that we know we're all crazy, think about this. If everyone in the world did the same thing they've been doing and never changed their ways, what would happen?  Nothing. We would have the same issues we have today. The same people in charge, the same powers that be and the same destiny in eternity. It's never too late for change. And yes one person can make things happen. The ripples in the water started with one drop into the pool. No one as ever impacted the world with change the one man did two thousand years ago. He didn't travel far but His message is still going on to the four corners of the Earth. He didn't live long, but is still alive in the hearts of millions today. His example of how to live is simple and clear. We are the ones who make it difficult and foggy. Change begins slow and the impact lasts forever if it's the right way to be done. Follow the example Jesus left for us. It changes the world and leads to Heaven. It's a win win. In love always <><

Monday, October 3, 2011

For A Friend

Good morning and happy Monday. Think about your best friend. Think hard about them. If the world ended tomorrow, had you done everything you could for them. Been there for them, helped them in times of need and in times of celebration. Probably so or they wouldn't be your friend. What about God? Have you talked with them about Him? Do you wanna go to heaven and leave your friend behind?  Of course not. I've watched my best friend be so on fire and then be so far away not long later. We don't really know who's going anyway and it might be me left out and him going. But the point is that have you done all you can for your friend. I know he knows God. But I haven't been there when his fire is going out to put another log on it. That's why we have other people in our lives. A strand of three is stronger than one. God made us relational because He is. I wanna be in heaven, and I don't wanna be there without any of my friends. So what am I going to do for my friend? How do I get into his life and make a difference? By doing just that, getting into his life. Ladies this is a hard thing for the fellows to do so it's mostly for us but it does apply across the board. I love my friend, but I don't show it the way I should. Make your relationships matter and make a difference in a life other than your own. In love always <><