Thursday, March 15, 2012

God's Beautiful Picture

Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you ever looked at something and as soon as you saw it you nearly cried because it was so beautiful? Well, God in all His wisdom, showed me a picture that was just the most beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. As I pulled into the parking lot last night, a young single mom was walking her 3 yr old son into church. Doesn't sound like much really does it?  Here's why fellowship with one another so important. I know her history, the parts she has shared. Some not able to be spoken about yet. I know that she was left and abandoned at 14. I know she made some bad choices along the way. I know she has a heart that is truly seeking God daily. To know her story and to see her alone with her son walking into church is absolutely beautiful. So then, God gives me the the better picture, a closer more HD look at it after church. This mom and I are talking about stuff and she is going through a rough skid in life again. Satan is attacking, and as we talk she says the most eye opening thing. "Because of my past and what I've done, I know what forgiveness really is". What I saw in the parking lot was what God can do when a heart turns to Him and truly seeks Him. How much do we take for granted what Jesus did for us? How much do we really appreciate all He does for us? She gets it. I'm blown away by her passion for God, because I know it could've been different. He's turned ashes into beauty and it made me cry to see His work. He is amazing. Please tell others about Him. In love always. <><

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time"s Up

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So I'm sitting at the stop sign and notice my state inspection sticker and it made me realize that all of us have an expiration  date. I'm always waiting til the last day of the next month and rushing to get my sticker done before I get a ticket. How many of us are pushing the expiration date before we get a "new" sticker? What are you doing until then.?Will it be a scramble to get there?  Are you just living to get it done in the last days before it expires?  Trouble is, you don't when you expire. There's no numbers on a sticker telling you when it's over. We have to be making the most of our time while we're here. I'm finding my job making that more difficult. Wait, that's my excuse for it. We really have the time if we are really seeking His face. I've got to do better. I know what it's like to be without Him and I don't want that ever again. Please make the most of it all before time runs out. In love always. <><

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Far Away

Good morning and happy Tuesday. How far away is too far?  How far away can a person get before it's too late and there's no hope? Well the obvious answer is " with God it's never too far". Say it with some sarcasm too and add a "duh". And while that's true, the point is we say things like that and think things like that.  We put limits to everything because we don't get infinity. We don't understand powerful. I love how we throw around Phil 4:13. One, we use wrong and two we don't really believe it all the time. It's handy when it's a rough patch or a bumpy situation, but when it gets down to the core we don't get it. If God gives you strength, then He does all the time. If a situation is overwhelming, then He's in it with you all the time, and not just sometimes. The point is, God is, was, and will be. He hasn't changed, we've just stopped going to Him in all of our needs and thanks and hurts and joy. We've put ourselves out away from Him, but we're never too far. Sometimes we may feel like it, but we're never too far. And here in our own human limitations, no one is too far from us to show the kind of love God shows everyone. He is power and glory forever and ever. In love always. <><

Monday, March 12, 2012


Good morning and happy Monday. A definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. How many times have you found yourself not really changing what you're doing but trying to fit the answer into a better result? It seems like we try to fit the world into what God is trying to do in our lives. It's like trying to get a square peg in a round hole. It don't fit. In the busy world In which we live we look for the short cuts to get it done in a day. God wants our time. He wants us to take time out to be with Him. In those times we find refreshment. It's that time when the world goes away and true sanity is found. A peace beyond measure and beyond this world. Until we can change just a little of our routines to include Him more, chaos will ultimately reign. Take refuge in His protection. Find peace in the rest He offers. Come to the Father and rest in His arms. Find that hour you lost right there with Him. In love always. <><