Friday, May 27, 2011

The Other Side

Good morning and happy Friday. Cool as the other side of the pillow. I love that. The other side. Do we really stop and consider the other side of things? Or are we so focused on what a good idea this is for , fill in the blank, that we forget about other people and there ideas and needs? This is the best for everybody. No it's the best for who we considered. When Jesus was feeding 5000, there was a guy about 5 rows deep who was thinking to himself, there's not gonna be enough for me. No way will two fish and five loaves make it back here. But Jesus thought of everyone including the women and children who are in addition to that number. When dealing with people we have to look at things from their side. We have have to see their point a view. This is how we make this life work because we then become more sacrificial and giving of ourselves to help and do for others. Jesus gave all of himself. Nothing was withheld. We should strive to meet that as best we can. In love always <><

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Real Friends, Real Love

Good morning and happy Thursday. I was scrolling through my facebook friends and randomly stopping in at some to see what is going on with them. It's amazing how we can view a life in about 20 secs, with good wi-fi speed. People used to have to visit each other to get caught up on things. You could hear their feelings. I love to listen to my granddad tell his stories of his past. He had a relationship with those people. In all honesty how many of our FB friends are our friends. God wants us in relationships with Him and others. Real relationships. The kind that if things were bad you know who you could call. Like if I was at the gates of hell and needed someone in 15 min, he would be there in 10. That's what this life is for. To love each other and grow in our love for God. God wants us happy. Happy comes with a price. Real friends, real love and a desire to be close to God. Sounds pretty cheap in price to me. So to my friends, and family, I love you. I really do. In love always. <><

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Good morning and happy Wednesday. Fear is a terrible thing. It keeps us from so much in life. From blessings being received to being a blessing to others. Roll away the stone of fear and leave the tomb it has you in. When we hear the calling of God, He is asking us to look at Him. To turn toward Him. Fear is what keeps us from looking. Fear is what keeps us from doing God's work. He is pulling us to Him and has work for us. The work is a blessing to others and to us. Why would we not answer the call? This is not out of obligation but out of gratitude. It's time to realize that you have been saved from a death you deserve, and at the highest price that could have been paid. God makes no mistakes. If He's calling you, it is you He wants for what He wants done. Listen to His call and don't be afraid. Turn and look at Him in all His glory. In love always. <><

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 21st

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Well, May 21st came and went, and if you're reading this, you didn't make the cut either. But all joking aside, if that didn't do anything, it got people to talk about it. But for some May 21st was their last day. Read the obits and see in your town how many went home that day. I pray they were ready, as we all should be. Just as we don't know the hour the Lord will come, we also don't know the hour we die. Our lives have to be lived in a way that reflect the glory of God just the way the moon reflects the sun at night. Our lives need to bring light into the lives of those living in the dark. Then when the Lord does come, He finds us doing His work. And it won't be because we are trying to look good on one day, but everyday. Lord bless us and keep us as we do your will in our lives for others. In love always. <><

Monday, May 23, 2011

Let the Past Be the Past

Good morning and happy Monday. Is the past the past? Just forgetta-bout-it. Sometimes. But not always. There's a difference in forget and forgive. The past that we left behind, is usually the same thing we look down on in others. Our past is where we became broken to a point of being rebuilt. We cannot forget what broke us. This will be our well to draw from to quench the thirst of others who are in the same spot we were. Understand, it is not by ourselves that this gets done. It is our dependence on God that brings us through those times. God is always showing us so many ways that we cannot do this alone. We have to have Him in our lives. Past, present, and future; He has to be there in those last two. If not, you will be repeating the past again with no real future. In love always. <><