Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Went to bed last night with nothing but home on my mind.  I know I have to be here. I know I have to get this done, but it still doesn't keep me from missing home. My grandmother is in the hospital after a fall and I'm not there. My wife feeling bad at work and needing to go home and I'm not there. No telling what little things are going on that I'm missing. But that's just how it is and it's part of life for a lot of people. But how much of "Home" am I missing? How many times has there been a chance to visit with God at Home and I missed it? No excuse for that. Can't find a good enough reason. Sure, like most I don't really want to go Home right now, but I believe the place being prepared for me is based a lot on the time I spend there with Him. Oh I'd take a shack in the corner and sweep the streets all day but what am I missing at Home? How much of Home am I giving to the lost that are here looking for Home? I've been blessed beyond measure and I know it. What am I doing with the blessing? How much more does the blessing really belong to someone else because I'm simply the messenger God chose today? Do I sift through them and decide how to use them or when it's most convenient for me?  I'm missing Home because I choose to. I'm missing out on some things that He is trying to show me and to use me and to give me. Only by staying in His word do we make it through the worldly fog that separates us from Him. Don't miss Home by just not being there. Soak yourself in it daily and you'll feel that presence of stillness all the days of this world. Get Home today by talking to God and reading His word and letting Him guide you in all the ways of your life. In love always. <><