Friday, June 24, 2011

When Jesus Pops In

Good morning and happy Friday. Imagine sitting in a place looking at or thinking about something you shouldn't. A thought that may go through your head for just a second. And then at that moment Jesus pops in next to you and says " Whatcha thinkin about? ". Most of the time our thoughts are just that and they never become anything. But that's also where some of the dumbest stuff we do comes from. When we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in us, we take that thought and filter it through them and then act on that, we will be all right. The filter comes in all forms. Mostly we have to listen to what is really being said to us and be willing to follow directions. Be prepared for the consequences when you don't. And then don't take this time in your life and say "see, this is why I'm mad at God". Don't for get the role we play in the things that happen to us. Sit and talk with Jesus and it won't be a surprise when He pops in on ya. In love always <><

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Be Like the Rabbi

Good morning and happy Thursday. How in the world do we minister to a hurting and lost neighborhood? Not a world or country or city, just to your neighbor. It's only by example that people really learn. They need to see that it's real and it applies to them in their position of life. The teaching of the Rabbi is by doing. Jesus came to give us the example by which we are to learn. He taught His disciples what they would need to know to spread the Word effectively. The words He taught and the actions He did are still for us in the Bible. I'm not sure that the writers then knew of the impact of the things they wrote down. Just a small act of discipline on their part changed the world. Somebody in the neighborhood has to be the one to stand up and make it happen. The only way Christians, real Christians, help in this world is by doing what Jesus taught us with His life and with His sacrifice of His life. Become a servant. Be the one who will help when it's needed. I know you're tired. I know it's been a long day. But you're needed at the door, someone needs help. Help them. Show them the love of Christ. Do it in that same love and the rest you seek you will be given. In love always. <><

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Good morning and happy Wednesday. Anger, it's never good. Poor decisions and thoughts usually come from it. Yet we seem to able to be consumed by it. Unable to let it go once it's got it's grip on us. People are angry at things for different reasons and they span the spectrum in variety. It's the devils biggest weapon. It's easy to be mad about things and at others. It's also easy to be mad at God. When we come to the realization that He is Lord of all and makes no mistakes, that's when being mad at Him is harder and understanding becomes clearer. That's where comfort against the enemy is found. There really are only two elements in this world among us. Good and evil. In this hurting world, we need to be a better example of His love. Love is what needs to be consuming us and our thoughts and actions. Start now and do it more and it becomes you. Like a really good habit. Lose the anger and put on the love and make a positive difference in the world. In love always. <><

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We Are Not to Judge

Good morning and happy Tuesday. In this country today we have a tendency, myself included, to look at people and pass a little judgement on them by how they look or act. Pay attention today and see if you can catch yourself doing it. Until we have been in their shoes we have no idea what really may be going on. Jesus sees us right were we are and knows all the reasons we are what we are and the excuses we've made for not changing and yet He still loves us. We have to find a heart like His so we can help a fallen world. We each have and see people in our lives that are in deep need for the salvation He offers. Reach out your hand to those people and see if your views aren't the ones that change. They're not all homeless or heathens. They may be your mom or dad. Keep your heart eyes open for what God has for you to do and without reservation, do it. He loves us too much for us to not be active in His kingdom. In love always. <><

Monday, June 20, 2011

Who Do You Trust?

Good morning and happy Monday. Who do you trust? We all have that one person we trust. Not to keep a secret kind of trust, but if they say something, you listen. You believe in what they have told you and they've never let you down. Usually it's someone older and they are giving advise based on experience. You know, " been there done that". But what about the unknown of your life ahead. The direction it needs to take. The things you need and should be doing. There is only one place to find that, God. He is telling us every day of the things He wants us to be doing. It's when we trust Him to be there that the miracles begin to happen. Taking a blind step and trusting God to show up and be there with you is huge. And after one time they start to get a little easier getting you ready for the big one. He has a plan for our lives and we just have to trust Him to fulfill it. But we have to obey Him and follow His advise. There's no other place I want my trust to be than in Him. In love always. <><