Friday, July 8, 2011

Ready the Soil

Good morning and happy Friday. So as every good parent knows, you can't give your kid everything they want. Some things are bad or can hurt them and some, they are just not ready for. Hmm, that's sounds familiar. In order for a crop to do well the soil has to be ready. It has to be prepared for what is needed so that a crop can grow. Sometimes when God doesn't seem to be moving in our lives, it may be we're not ready yet for what He wants from us. Our hearts are the field that the seed is planted in. It has to be tilled and made ready. A hard heart will not receive the seed and let it take root. Even in our areas of suffering, God can make us fruitful. You have to be willing to see beyond your circumstances. He has not forsaken or forgot you, it's just that some soil takes more plowing to get ready. In love always <><

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let The Lord Lead

Good morning and happy Thursday. When Joseph was young his brothers were jealous and sold him. A king bought him and put him in charge of everything because everything he did was successful. He was accused of a crime and put in prison. He then was in charge of that too. Not a good life really. But the Lord was with him. He told the king what some dreams meant and was put in charge of the nation. From the time he was young til then was a while. A grown man and he was shown favor because of the Lord. In the end he feeds his brothers and father with the grain stored up under his charge and he saves the lives of ones who took his. God is at work all the time. We don't see all the things that are happening in order for a few things to come to pass. We just have to trust Him. Follow Him and obey His direction. If you're lost in the woods and the ranger says go this way, you go. He knows the way, right? God knows the way. He sent His Son to be the way. Why is this part so hard for us to do. Follow after the urging you feel from God and see if the way is not better than you knew. In love always. <><

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sin is Sin

Good morning and happy Wednesday. By now you've heard the verdict in Florida. And like the people who stood around the TV at my job you're probably just as mad as they were. I'm glad none of us are the final judges in any ones last trial. She may have made a mistake, but haven't we all. Sin is sin. Hers is not greater than mine or yours. It's what happens from here that matters. Have we forgotten that God is in control. I'm willing to bet that He has a better idea of the things that need to happen than we do. We are so quick to spew out hatred and anger and so hesitant to give out love and compassion. We need to change that. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Love what God made, hate what He despises. She needs love and help. And as for her standing before God and letting Him deal her, we all will do that and my sin and her sin are the same. Stop using that phrase in a negative way. Repentance, capable by the blood of Jesus makes it possible for her to see her daughter again in Heaven. We all need to be glad in that. Cause if not, none of us get in. There are consequences for our actions, make no mistake. That's the test of our love and devotion to Him. I pray that she, and we, see that. Lift her up in prayer today. All of them. In love always. <><

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Good morning and happy Tuesday. I hope you had a great day celebrating our freedom. We are so blessed in this country to be able to have the freedoms we do. To choose the things we want in and for our lives. But what are we doing with that? We tend to take those freedoms and only apply them to ourselves. Freedom isn't just something for us. It's something for us to use. To help with, to spread the news of Jesus with. It's a powerful thing our freedom. We are selfish with it and take it for granted a lot. We've had a military defend our freedom and a Savior who died for our ultimate freedom. We are truly blessed. And blessing are made to give away to those who need them more. There are people in this country who don't know true freedom. Find them and show them wherever you are. When we share our blessing this country becomes more blessed. Love is the key and a grateful heart to go with it is more powerful than anything. Share your freedom with others today. In love always <><

Starfish On the Beach

Good morning and happy Friday. Got this from an email one time; One evening when the tide was low, a boy was walking on the beach. Hundreds and thousands of starfish were stranded on the beach. The boy began throwing them back in the ocean. After a while a man walked up and asked what he was doing. "There are too many to make a difference young man". And as the man watched him think this over, the little boy picked up a starfish and threw it into the water. He turned to the man and said, "It made a difference to that one". We have chances placed before us that may seem too big. But everything starts when we decide to make a difference or a change. Our faith in God to do what He says is crucial. He doesn't give us the tools for the task until we decide to take the step of faith that He will provide. The difference we make just needs to be one person at a time. Go throw a starfish back in the water. In love always. <><

At the Airport

Good morning and happy Thursday. You know that feeling you have when someone has been gone and you see them again. The old airport type scene. It hasn't been a long time but enough for you to know they're gone. I love that. It just feels so fresh and new. You've missed them and now you know that. That they are a part of your life you really can't do without. When's the last time you met Jesus at the "airport"? When's the last time you really welcomed Him home? To feel that inside and to know that's how it's supposed to be. To know that you've missed Him. That He is a part of your life that can't be missing and no longer taken for granted. So hold up your "airport" sign that says says Jesus as you meet Him fresh and new again. Rejoice in His peace. In love always. <><