Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday's Test of Faith

Good morning and happy Saturday. It's not a usual Saturday so we must finish the story. Jesus is no longer in the world. Their King and Savior is dead. How can this be? He is in a tomb and it's the Sabbath. For those who believed in who He was, there is great remorse for the loss. For those who didn't there was great relief, as the trouble maker is gone.  This day fascinates me the most. What were they gonna do?  Did they remember what He told them about rising on the third day? Doubt had to play a huge role in their day today. Would He come back? Where is your faith at? Do you believe in Him? Does all this matter at all to you? If not, story over. If so, what are you gonna do about what He's left behind for us to do? As these people sat around questioning the same things, they had a choice to make. History shows us what they chose and how they're lives we're changed. It's the same today for us and the decisions and choices are the same. Follow His will or not. Trust in Him or not. But if you trust and believe then you have to obey. We have to put our whole selves into it or get out. They had the same choice. Nothing from Jesus' time has changed really. It's just in our time and we didn't have Him walking among us and teaching us. But yet we do, the Bible. He is with us and left the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Have great faith in the risen King today. Prepare the way for His resurrection tomorrow and the dwelling of the Spirit within you. In love always. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Very Good Friday

Good morning and happy Friday. Good Friday. Those close to Him are gone and don't  know Him. He's before the courts to be silenced once and for all. Not even the Romans want His blood on their hands. Everyone gets who He is but them. The verdict comes down and the sentence is passed. Because they were so tied up in their own way of thinking and wanting to be vindicated, they did not see who God Himself was. Where does that fit in your life today? 
   He is beaten almost to death before He ever makes it to the cross. Mothers hide their children's eyes from what is happening, that's how bad this is. He feels it all just like a man would. Skin ripped and broken open by the whips. Nails through the hands and feet. All for us. For all of us. When the world went dark and shook, they knew then that what they did was wrong, but will not admit to it. We are just like them. By staying in our sinful ways and not following Him, we are beating Him with a whip all over again and making His death nothing. The kindest loving God sent us hope. Gave us a way Home when there was none. Pours out grace on an undeserving world, so that we will come to Him and be His bride. We are children of the Most High God, act like it. Love each other and help each other. Make what happened on this day mean every thing to you. 
   He came as a man to walk among us and show us the way. He died on a cross to open the door to the Heavens. "It is finished". In love always. <><

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday of the Last 7 Days

Good morning and happy Thursday. The Feast of the Unleavened Bread". So Jesus gets His guys to find them a place to have their feast. A lot is going to happen today, but in a nut shell, they have their Last Supper, now our communion. They we're told they would deny Him and that one would betray Him. Thay went to Gethsemane to pray. Here is where I had questions in my learning about Jesus. In His prayer to God, as He sweats blood, He asked if there was another way of doing this. To let this cup pass, but if it's your will.... Why? Was He chickening out? Did He not want to save us now?  Nope. He knew that as He hung on that cross He would become sin and as sin, God would not look at at Him and He would, for the first and only time, be out of God's presence. He could take the beating, the mockery, the humiliation, but not being away from God. Can You?  Can you stand up for what He has you to do and follow His will in spite of what is going to happen because of it? We owe Him at least that much. His buds turned Him in and also left Him, denying Him just like he said. Prophecy fulfilled. This is real and it has happened to save us all. No matter how far away from Him we let ourselves go, there is always a road Home. For Jesus to ask not be away from God, it must be amazing place to be. See you there. In love always. <>< 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday of the Last 7 Days

Good morning and happy Wednesday. It's the middle of the week and not a lot is happening. Jesus is still teaching, but the big thing going on is the plot behind His back. That gets said as if He didn't know it was going on. One of His twelve has decided to take advantage of a situation. He heard Jesus say He was going to die, why not make a little money and  influence from it. Rationalizing the thought process. Doesn't sound like much has changed in all these years. We still have teachers, on His behalf, and we still think we can do stuff behind His back and get away with it, or at least benefit in some way. It's all selfish thinking and being self centered that causes us to wonder so far away from Him. This thought process ultimately cost Judas his life. The anguish he caused himself was far worse than anything good He could've gained. So before he hung himself, I'm sure he said to himself that none of that was worth it. What plot against Jesus do have in your head? If its not for Him it's against Him. In love always <><

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday of the Last 7 Days

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Jesus began teaching again to show the people who He was and how they have been rejecting Him. He was setting the table for what was to come. It's too long for here but read Luke 20:1- ? about the tenants in the vineyard. Jesus lays the ground work for all the wrong they've been doing. They've been told by the prophets of his coming and rejected what was right before their eyes. So you see, they were looking so intently for the new king, they missed him when He came and ended up killing Him. How much are we missing right before our eyes because we're looking for our own desires of the world? Jesus makes it clear that they knew this day was coming. They grew up hearing it said, and still chose their way over The Way. Mostly because it included the Gentiles. Others besides themselves were getting in on all the good stuff too. "But they didn't have to go through what we did", they said. Why them. This can't be the guy we're looking for. It's not what we think about it, it's what God is doing that matters. This is not about us, it's about ALL of us. Love them all. In love always

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday of the Last 7 Days

Good morning and happy Monday. On Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. He was being heralded as the coming king of the Jews. They wanted their king here that would overthrow the Roman rule they had been under. But as Jesus rode in, he wept over the city because He knew why He was there and what these very same people were going to do. On Monday He was in the Temple running off all the "robbers" that had set up shop there. Really? This is how they were acting in the Holy City during Passover week. He was going to be giving His last teachings here. What are some of the last things you would be telling your loved ones in your last days? What Jesus has to say is going to be very important to those hearing it and those reading it today. This is Passion Week. The week Jesus came to this Earth for. To save us all. This is going to be a great week. In love always.