Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So my daughter calls us up and asks if fluid coming out of the bottom of her instapot is bad. She's a great cook and loves her new instapot dearly, but this could be bad. I tell her to bring it over and I'll look at it. I'm not a fixer of all things but I am able in a lot of things to logically see and do and make right again some things that may otherwise be ruined. Well as I'm cleaning and scraping free what appears to be bar b que sauce from all points possible, I start to realize today's message. We can make some big messes some times. We makes more smaller messes though than we really know. But when we bring those messes to our Father in heaven, He, and only He, can clean them right up and make them as good as new. But some times it's not completely new again and there may be some kind of hurt, pain, or anything to remind us of the event. Like this plate in the insta pot isn't completely clean. I can't get some of the really hard baked on part off. It has a mark reminding me of what happened. So do our lives. These scars though should be worn proudly as to the evidence of what God has done in our lives for us when we screwed it up. He fixed it. Sure He can make it completely new, but you won't have the scar as a reminder and a way of sharing with others what He has done for you. I have a lot of scars. Big ones and tiny ones. All have a story of some kind. Some are seen and some are not. Bring your problems and brokenness to the feet of Jesus. There, is the greatest repair shop ever. It's never closed and your money is no good there. He just wants your heart to love Him. Guys it doesn't get any better than that. In love always. <><

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you grill? Or know someone who does ? There's always a lot of pride in grilling. There's even contests to crown a champion griller. I'm a griller. I love to grill. So let's talk some grilling. The first cookout of the season is usually a great one. The grill is all clean from the winter storage and checked over and made sure it's all ready for the cooking season. It's now towards the end of the season and for some, mine, their grill is not like it was. In order to get the steak done right I have to stay by the grill the whole time to keep the flare ups from charring the meat. I used to be able to just leave it and come back and forth with no worries. But I've neglected the routine cleaning and keeping it in the shape it should be in.
This is how some of our relationships are with God. They start off great and we're ready for the "cooking". Then we get lax and even to a point of taking it for granted. But there are those who take such good care of that relationship that it almost seems unreal. Then there are those, me, who have let things go and flare ups happen and things get burned and even ruined a bit. But the good news is, Jesus made a way for us to be cleaned up and made new and ready each day for a new season. Our job is to get better at taking care of the relationship and keep it fresh and new every day. Fire up the grill and get cooking. In love always. <><

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you ever played hide and seek with a little kid ? You know a little kid that puts just their head under a blanket and thinks because they can't see anyone, no one can see them. It's so cute. We laugh and think how silly they are. You ever try hiding stuff from God ? He thinks the the same thing. How silly they are ? Why do we "hide" it from Him any ways ? He's the one we should be going to with our stuff any way. He wants nothing more than to sit and listen to you spill it and get it out so He can help you get passed it and move forward in the life He has for you, plus, the big plus, is so He can forgive you. The world doesn't want you to be that free. To be unburdened and living in the true grace of God. Satan can't win if you stay close to the Father. Olly olly oxen free; (look that up and read the scoop on it while thinking of Jesus). The Lord Jesus has called you in from the game of life to be set free in Him. He has changed the game by making us a way home. We're no longer a slave to fear. We are children of God. Don't "hide" any more. Go set it free with the Father and come home unburdened. In love always. <><

Monday, May 8, 2017

Even the sparrow knows

Good morning and happy Monday. Christians, we believe in God the Father. His Son Jesus who died for our sins so we may stand before the Father blameless. That's a powerfully deep belief. Especially in a world that calls us fools. Why do you think that is ? If we are so convinced as to Him and our belief in Him, why would anyone doubt us ? There's lots of reasons, from no personal experience or exposure, that they know of, to being severely hurt by one of us. But let's look at at our role in it. How can people with such great conviction and belief keep others away? It's simple really. Do they see Jesus in you and your action and reactions ? In your contentment and peace in the midst of a storm ? We believe the very first words of the Bible fully ; In the beginning God ........ He created it all. Nothing passes by Him without His knowledge. He knows this hair fell out of its place on my head while also knowing that a mother is beside her child's bed calling out to Him to save her child. Not one flower in the field dies without Him knowing. In Luke 12, Jesus tells His disciples of these hairs and makes mention of the sparrows. I have never in my nearly 50 years of life seen a sparrow worry. Not one bird wonder if things will be ok. God has always taken care of them. Are we not more valuable to Him than a bird ? We can believe He can create the world but He can't take care of this moment ? Sometimes the bird dies. Sometimes the moment doesn't go the way we want it to. Does that change God into something else ? No. Does it mean there will be no pain ? No. But when the world sees your steadfast conviction and faith in God during this time, it has the power to change them. The sparrow knows God will take care of him, do you ? In love always <><

Monday, December 26, 2016

Good morning and happy Monday. Well the wave of Christmas is over. Now what? I was reading some stuff the other day about surfing. I don't know why but I was. Any way, a guy named Tom Blake invented the hollow board used today. Rabbit trail that lead to me seeing a picture of about 10-12 people riding a small wave together into the shore. As many of you know, I like to talk and visit with people all the time. Over the last week or so I've heard some stories of life and how it's been rough for one, decent for another, and just amazing for yet another. Well, as God often does when He and I visit, He shows me the waves of life these folks and myself ride. A friend with cancer will have a tougher part of the wave to ride than say someone who just had a baby. We ride these waves of life to the shore and then, get this, we paddle back out and catch another one. As we paddle out we will pass by friends riding their next one in. And when we reach that point out in the deep, we will wait for what looks like the perfect wave to ride in on. We'll pass on some and wait. And wait. Wait, that one looks good. Here we go. We stand up and start the ride. But this is not what we wanted. It's turned into a terrible ride and we may not make it in. What usually happens here? What do we usually do now ? Before, I would have no idea, but now I simply hit me knees and pray. I pray to God who made this wave and all the things of this earth. He is where I find my strength and my resolve. Through Him and Him alone I can make it to the shore. And then, I'll paddle back out again to see what life has and who, if not just me alone, I can have an impact on by showing how God and God alone gives us this strength. So no matter where you are, good wave, bad wave, in between wave, ride it all the way and see the glory of God in it all. And most importantly, paddle back out. In love always. <><

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Have you ever been pulled over in your car on a bright sunny beautiful day ? Then just as you thought the whole day was ruined you got a warning ticket. The officer showed you mercy. The beautiful day is grace from God. Neither one was deserved. Grace and mercy are very similar and not always understood in their proper definition. Mercy is more like judgement withheld that is deserved. Grace is unmerited love no matter the circumstance. People who are married and have issues in that marriage can see it this way. Not getting a divorce and splitting up the belongings and the money and all that goes with that would be in the light of mercy. Continuing to love the person for what ever the reason and wanting to love them with full forgiveness is grace. Which one do you find easier to give to others ? I've never in my life felt what real grace from a human is like. We learn in church about the grace of God. It's too big for me to wrap my head around really until now. I am the receiver of grace from another person and I am in total amazement of what this feels like. Because of human nature I find myself waiting for the other shoe to drop and the real and true feelings to arrive and give me a good swift kick in the head. It would be deserved too. But then that's not grace and that's not what I've been given. Now that I've received this, huge on a people scale, small amount of grace, compared to God's, I'm seeing the grace of God in a whole new light. I can really feel it now. The splendor of the whole world as a whole. The favor, for lack of a better word, that He has for us. The unwavering love of God is so immeasurable. This love is grace. We have to find this within ourselves to be able to fully understand it and be able to express it to one another. Imagine that world for a second. Even if we just put forth the effort without ever expecting anything from it, our own little slice of the world can change. Sometimes God is too big to get, and it takes a small little ole us to pass it along in a small little ole dose to someone so that it can be seen.

Mercy ends because judgement comes in time. Grace is what saves us from the punishment we deserve. I can never express my gratitude for what grace means to me now. I can thank God for exactly what it is and how much I'm unworthy of it but so thankful for it being poured out to me. Always try and show mercy in the same way you yourself receive it, but look for ways to extend grace to people. God's love can be seen in the sunrise; the stars in the sky; the smile on a newborns face. How good does that feel ? Pass this along to others. Tana, thank you. I love you so much. In love always. <><

Friday, August 26, 2016

Good morning and happy Friday. Do you know what you're supposed to do ? How many times in your life, especially when you were younger, did you have someone say "If you'd do what you're supposed to do, that........" ? So when you heard it means you probably didn't do what you were supposed to do.
How far do you think Peter walked out on the water to Jesus? Two or three steps ? Ten yards ? Or just out of the boat ? Matthew is the only gospel that tells this story. Jesus gave him a simple command in reply to Peter's question. Come. That was all he was supposed to do. Go to Jesus, that's it. The verse says he walked on the water toward Jesus then he saw the wind and was afraid. He began to sink and cried out to the Lord "Save me".
How relevant this is to me today. All I have to do is what I'm supposed to. But as I've walked toward Jesus I've seen the wind, and I failed Him. Not just Him but others as well. That's usually what happens when we don't do what we're supposed to. Our ripple effects others and causes winds to blow at them while they themselves are walking toward Jesus. Or, in some cases, Jesus uses those very messes and winds we've stirred to turn someone's boat around so they can see Him walking toward them. Then they can get out and begin walking toward Him too. But we have to do what He's asked us to do. "Come, come to Me". "Follow Me". And when we don't and we begin to sink, all we have to do is just cry out , Lord , save me. By His grace, mercy, and love we are already saved. We just have to receive it. He will never let you go. In love always. <><

Monday, July 4, 2016

Good morning and happy Monday. Man what a week last week. And it's continuing this week as well. Your prayers have been felt and it's overwhelming. Thank you. I was sitting in a hospice room the other night with a very precious 84 year young lady, watching her as the others had gone to get a bite and take some much needed relief to breathe. As I watched her laying there taking labored breaths, I got to thinking about it being her last ones. She has spent 84 years on this earth taking breaths and having her breath taken away by moments in life. And here we are to last ones. And yet these are the ones taking my breath away. Leaving me pondering life and death and God and heaven. How important these last few of her life are for me. Passing on life in the same way God breathed life into us. The saying is, life is too short, and that's true. But a life well lived will last forever. It's passed on through memories. Our loved ones breathe live into us. We breathe live into others. Our network of relationships is so broad and tangled into others that we leave the memory of ourselves on others we make contact with. What kind of life are we breathing into others ? How much life are we taking from them ? What moments took their breath away ? Her last breaths here were not her last ones. I will carry them with me and pass on that love of family and friends to mine. And I pray that they see God in me and pass on my breaths of Him to others. Let your breath of life speak of God and the salvation His son Jesus has brought to us. Pass on the breath of life to every one you meet and know. It is the most precious and valuable gift in all the world. Let your last breath be singing His praises. In love always <><

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Late Monday night a crew got a call to go to work to go home. A few hours later in their home another crew is called. They got up and packed a lunch and left with the first crew already heading to them. A few hours later many lives where changed forever. The out pouring of care and concern is and was over whelming. You see these lives are gone or changed and their families will feel the effect forever. And by knowing someone who worked with them, you too have been effected in some way small or even big. Our lives are like pebbles dropped in a pool. We leave a ripple of effect that goes on through our entire life. Some close to us feel the fullest effect. Those a little distant might only just hear of something. None the less, we are created by God for a purpose. Some times we may never know what that purpose is or wether or not we completed it. But make no mistake you have a purpose and an effect on people's lives. It could all end tomorrow so please make sure you are living it to the best and fullest extent possible. Make sure the effect and mark you leave on this world is one God has led you too. That your family can find peace and solace in when you're gone. The biggest key in succeeding in that idea is to love. Love people, love life and love God. Please keep these families in your prayers and lift up your neighbor at the same time. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. Don't dwell on His mystery, trust in His plan. In love always. <><

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good morning and happy Wednesday. I've been busy working in my back yard trying to repair all the damage done to it by a not intentional dog who had a thing about digging. Over the course of time I just got to a point I had to let it go and contend with the fact I'd have to fix the whole thing one day. Well this week is the day. So it's rip up,dig up, shred up, and level up and repair and restore it to what it should be. It will probably be better than it was when it was first put in, only because it's cared about by the person redoing it. What dogs have dug up your life ? How bad is the grass in need of repair and tending to in your life ? Most of the damage has been caused by ourselves but there other things and people who can effect it as well. If we allow God to do the work in us the way we should, He will restore us to much better than we could've ever imagined. But the process isn't easy either. That's why many will start down the road but won't finish. It's too hard to have our lives ripped up, tore up, shredded up and dug up. But the Father, oh the Father can repair us and mend us if we just allow it to happen. Casting Crowns sings an awesome song called "Just Be Held". There's a line that says, yours life's not falling apart, it's falling into place. For that to happen we have to be willing to submit to His ways and not our own. To give up the control we so desperately seek and just be held. It's a difficult road to walk but you're never walking alone. The God of the universe; creator of all things, stands beside you and when needed to, in front of you. And when necessary, will hold you the entire way. So please allow yourself to be held by the Father. Allow the grass of your life to repaired and fixed and mowed by the One who made it in the first place. In love always. <><

Monday, March 7, 2016

Good morning and happy Friday. Well, it's been a while. I'm sorry for that, but here we go. Have you thought of something and how it would turn out? Like a vacation and the things you plan on seeing. A small thing like a little league game and the way it would go, just anything. And then when it's happening and you're there it's like nothing you thought it would be. Sometimes terrible and sometimes amazing. Just not what you thought it would be. I think we expect it to be worse most of the time and end up getting a pleasant surprise. Case in point, I got my wife some tickets to a show for Christmas. I was slick too. I saw she had liked this event on her Facebook page. Oh yeah, gonna score some good job points on this one. When I looked at the event I thought it was a Christian comedian lady we both like. I'm thinking I'm getting some points and a good show of laughs. Well, it wasn't a comedian at all, although she made some funny jokes. What I thought was going to be a pretty cool evening of laughter and comedy turned into one of the most amazing nights of music I've had in a while. Now, you that know me know I love music of all kinds and I like to laugh as much as I can, but this was amazing. What I had gotten my wife and I were tickets to the Sandi Patty concert with special guest Veritas. Oh my goodness. I did not expect that and was completely blown away.
What do you expect from God ? Let that sink in and think real hard about it. If you read this and things like it chances are you've already bought your ticket to the show. What are you expecting ? There are times as Christians, contrary to a mega church ideology, that we are not going to be happy and will feel pain and sadness. Times will be tough and we WILL struggle through some valleys. Not what you expected from God ? Why ? Jesus told you it would be this way. But you see this is not the show you bought a ticket for. The really big show , use your Ed Sullivan voice, is still to come. And while we expect it to be great and wonderful, John, the writer of Revelation, could not even describe it to its fullest. So while life hands out some disappointments from time to time, I'm certain we will not be disappointed for living a life following the King of Kings, Lord of Lords; Jesus Christ. Live your life to the fullest for Him and His glory and wait for the glorious and amazing show to come. In love always. <><

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Good morning and happy Thursday. Time. Tons of it, but it always feels there's never enough. When I get the time I'm gonna; when I have some more time I'm gonna go see. When I have enough time I'm going to do. Two sisters had a special guest come to their house. One rushed about and made sure everything was done and everyone was taken care of. The other one with their guest and stayed there in conversation and listening to the things He had to say. As the evening went on the first sister began complaining about the other not helping. The Guest then said to her, " are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." While both things needed to be tended to, Mary chose to use her time to be with the Lord. Most times we have to give up one thing in order to do another. Time is priceless. It cannot be bought or earned. It's value is not recognized until it's gone. We can remember time and the things we spent it on and things we didn't. The challenge today is to spend it wisely on what the Lord as set on your heart. Make sure that you spend time at the feet of the Lord sometime today. It is the best value you'll ever have for your time. In love always. <><

Monday, August 17, 2015

Good morning and happy Monday. That moment. That moment when, when it all changes. That moment you decide to make a change. That moment when a decision is made that forever changes a life, yours or anyone else's. Watching The Blind Side last night and I saw the scene where they turned the car around and picked up Big Mike. That moment changed lives forever. It's a small part of the whole thing but it's that moment that makes the whole difference. When we look back over the story of our life and replay the whole "movie" again what moments do you see that changed yours or someone else's life? Do you see that moment when you let God into your life ? That should be or will be the biggest change of direction in your entire life. Are you still on course ? How far off the path are you ? Me, I'm way off, but the good news is, God is quick, fast and in a hurry to set me back on the right track. That moment when we decide to follow. That moment when we quit. That moment when we return. Our lives are filled with moments. Moments that change lives. Make every moment count and make sure it has the stamp of approval from G O D. That is the good house keeping seal we all want. In love always. <><

Monday, March 16, 2015

Good morning and happy Monday. Can you imagine looking into the eyes of God. Directly into them. The creator of the universe and you yourself. The awe and power we would be standing before. Power in the human mind and world doesn't work in the same way His does. In our world, power is pursued. Power is what we will strive for to gain an upper hand or control. In very great contrast, God pursues us. There is nothing or no one more powerful in the universe than God and He pursues you. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that. I know how to love and give of myself but cannot imagine what His love is capable of. To be rejected and mocked and having the world He created be in the state that it's in. And yet there He is, loving us more than humanly possible. The warmth and compassion of His love is life changing. It's world changing. If at all possible, look into the eyes of God today. He's everywhere. Seek Him with the same passion He seeks you. In love always. <><

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Good morning and happy Thursday. Do you believe God puts people in places for a reason? We've all said it a thousand times. Do we give the credit to God? So as you shake your head yes let me ask you this, why does He do it ? What's the purpose? If we truly believe He's done this why are we not obeying Him in pursuing the reason to the end? How are there people out there without a friend or someone to love them? He pushes and nudges and guides us to people all the time. What do we do when we get there ? Love them. Show them God's love for them. Show them they're not forgotten. Show them he's standing right there ready to walk with them the whole way Home. We all are in need of these things. We can help each other with God's guidance or continue to do it on our own, that's led us to where we are now. We believe that God does things for a reason, so believe in Him to finish what He got started. We all have something we don't want out in the light. We all need help in some way. He sends Himself to us through His people. Embrace Him and let Him love you back to healthy and strong. He may need you next to help someone else. You are strong enough, because He is your strength. In love always. <><