Thursday, September 22, 2011


Good morning and happy Thursday. What is it you're most passionate about? That thing that if anyone messes with it, you're ready take it outside. The family is the obvious one, but what about other stuff, your friends, your job?  How passionate are we in our defense of Jesus as our savior. We usually don't want to say much because of two reasons. One, we don't know Bible stuff and can't argue a good case. Bull. Two, we don't really know Jesus that well and so we really can't argue the case at all. If you know Him you can tell people about what you know and especially what He's done in your life. But if you don't know Him, I would ask why not. And if you're reading this you've heard of Him and know some things of Him. So not knowing Him is out as an excuse. It's because we have no passion for Him. It offends others and we step on toes and someone may stop liking us. If that's the case, see ya, don't need ya. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. If that's where you want to be then He is who your passion should be for. No excuses, you either do or you don't. And if you do, start acting like it. Tell people about Him and don't worry what they think. Get your passion for Jesus fired up and going. It can change your world. In love always <><

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