Thursday, September 29, 2011

Groans And Uttering

Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you ever been praying and you just can't find the words to say?  You feel them but you just can't express them. If you were to let them out they would come out as gibberish. Well the good news is, God hears our groaning and inaudible uttering we can't say. It's like the friend or spouse who knows what you gonna say by the way you're looking. He knows our hearts intimately. He knows what we're trying to say to Him. So why do we need to pray? Why don't we just feel it to Him and let Him get it?  Because it's a relationship. He needs to hear from us the same as we ask of Him to speak to us and answer our prayers. It's the interaction that develops the relationship. When the relationship grows so does our trust. And when our trust is in Him, then that's where we go to find peace in this crazy world. I think it's amazing that He can make sense out my rambling mess of thoughts and feelings. That He loves me that much to know me that well. He loved me enough to die for me so I could be with Him. There's no love like that any where else. That's what will feel the emptiness of our hearts and souls. That's what we're looking for. In love always. <><

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