Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's in The Small Things

Good morning and happy Tuesday. I called my friends mom, who was my second mom growing up, to wish her a happy birthday. She had been crying as her son, my friend/brother, passed away earlier and she's having a lot of firsts without him here. His sisters were there and the stories were being told of the "days". I'm glad they got together. So as the football game was going and they panned the crowd of thousands, I thought to myself, no one here knows that Trent is gone and his family is missing him. No one knows the impact of his life on his family and friends. It made me realize that it's really not the size of the pool we swim in, it's how well we swim in it. It's the little things in life we do that usually leave the biggest mark. Jesus did some big things in His day, but the best, most heartfelt ones are the small things right from His heart. I used to think I had to make a big impression to do the most good. No, just do the small things of the heart when they're needed and if no one else in the world knows, it doesn't matter. The one who needed you does and the One who lead you does. That's all that matters. Do what you can for Him when you can, especially the little things. In love always. <><

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