Friday, May 6, 2011

Morning Prayer

Good morning and happy Friday. Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this day. Thank you for the air in my lungs. Thank you for your blessings each day. Thank you for the trials in my life that you use to strengthen me. Thank you for fellowship with others so we can grow. Thank you for caring about me and all the small little things that I try to handle on my own. They always seem to be gone with out so much of a fuss. Thank you for being involved in every aspect of my life. That everything about me matters to you. For being patient with me as I try and move closer to you. For listening to me when no body else can hear what I'm saying. For sending your Son to die for me so I can be with you. For forgiving me of my sins. For loving us all the same no matter how far away from you we get ourselves. This could go on forever and that's a good thing. Help me have clarity when you speak to me and discernment to not hear my own wants as you. I love you. In Jesus precious name. Amen

Thursday, May 5, 2011

God's Love

Good morning and happy Thursday. From last nights small group discussion came this revelation to Lindsey. Her parents based their love and help on her performance. While God shows His love even as we perceive ourselves as failing. That is powerful and so true for so many. Even for ourselves as parents. But in that to we have to find that God does discipline, but it's with love and care for us based on nothing done but what's ahead. We are the opposite. We discipline out of love but because of what's been done. God doesn't walk beside or behind us in our journey, He walks ahead of us with His hand held out to us to follow. Everything with Him is positive. We bring the negativity and doubt into the relationship. When we let go of that and truly trust Him, then we grow in a more positive and productive way. I can't fathom the depth of His love. I just know and trust that it's enough for all of us and then some. I want to love like that. In love always <><

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Move, Just Move

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Ever sleep in the same position all night and you wake up sore and achey? You don't feel good for the rest of the day. Our relationship with God is the same way. We get stuck in the same rut and routines with church or small group or whatever. But it gets stale that way. We have to be moving and being busy with His work too, not just our own. We make Him fit into our schedule. I know it's hard to do but once it starts it really does get easier. Just shake things up a bit. Invite a friend to lunch or coffee. Let people see you talking about God and living a life for Him. That's the best testimony for Christ ever. I still remember being young at church every time the doors were open. Everyone thought they were doing so good. I look back now and see that nothing was being done except for ourselves feeling better. Really? Is that how Jesus taught us to be. No. Go into the world. Don't sit back waiting on it to come to you. Move yourself. Don't get a crick in your neck from being in the same spot all the time. Call me I'll go have a cup with ya. I need to move myself. In love always. <><

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

God Loved Him

Good morning and happy Tuesday. As mean as Bin Laden was, as hated as he was by so many people, he had one thing in common with us all. God loved him. That brings me great joy. It comforts me to know that it is up to me to decide the direction of my life and that no matter how bad I screw it up along the way, He will be there. As far away as I may run from Him, the trip back to His loving arms is just a turn around away. I know that evil is all around us in this world. And probably on a much larger scale than we know. But we all have a choice to make. We decide for ourselves which path to take. God just simply puts the paths in front of you. Bin Laden had family that loved him. Some of them are good decent people. Their prayers for him were to turn away from his ways I'm sure, as we pray for ones we see lost and roaming. But the common thread is God. He never stops loving and He never gives up hope in us to turn to Him. Bin Laden was an evil man. But He was never too far gone to be out of reach from God. Now that's hope for anyone. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, hope in God the Father, and love for others as the Holy Spirit leads. It's never too late to find God waiting for you, but you have to make the choice. In love always <><

Monday, May 2, 2011


Good morning and happy Monday. How long must one pray til God hears? Is it the 100th time that you see what He has done for you? Is there even a number? No. Of course not. But pray we must til the answer is given. And the answer may not be what we want for ourselves. The amazing thing in that is how good we think our want is in the whole thing and the good we can do from that point, but God simply says no I've got something even better for you to do. So if what we want is so good to us and we know God has it better for us, why are we so reluctant to follow His will? Trust in people is built over years. Trust in God is a given, but we still listen to people first. It's a big long corner to turn to get to a place where God is first. But if you not even turning the wheel, why are you upset with your life and the way it is going? Make a change in yourself and the relationship you have with God and then see if it doesn't get better. Better, not easier. Pray and don't stop. Trust and follow God where He leads. To see God at work in a persons life is the most beautiful thing. Change a life and change the world. In love always. <><