Friday, November 2, 2012
Good morning and happy Friday. I love how God reveals Himself in our lives. Either in our own or through others. I had very good talk with a very dear friend, brother, last night. He's in a bad way and stuff is going on with his kid and it's a tough spot he's in. He knows God is with Him but has hidden himself away from His people. Now as much as God is with us all the time, He as us doing work for Him. Being there for each other, lending whatever hand we have to help out. He's made us communal. Our reliance on Him is found in service from others. Now I can't help you if you go hiding and withdrawing away from me. And that's what satan wants us to do. Stay away from one another and not have trust in each other or faith that help is on the way. Sometimes when we become the person in need our pride, the part satan uses, keeps us from asking or seeking help, especially us men folk. All this to say, God will at one point get done what He wants done with or without you. He gives us opportunities to serve and yes be served. But we have to be present and willing to give and to receive. I learned the giving part from my mom. She gives of herself everyday and gave to her kids all she had. I wish I could be more like her in a lot of ways. But the giving is a little easier than the receiving. Receiving requires humbleness. Letting go of what we think we have a hold of. When Jesus came into the world, love, true love came with Him. He left it here for us today. Serving others and allowing people to serve us brings us all together under His love. That's what we need today. Love each other today like never before. In love always. <><
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Nothing sucks worse than losing in the first round of the playoffs when you're an athlete. You've worked hard all season and made it there when some said you wouldn't, then you get there to prove them wrong and then lose the first game, leaving you feeling like they were right the whole time. Well, what do you do now? Sit around and let them have the last laugh or get ready for the next sport and working hard at that? What do we do when the world, and especially our family and friends, make us feel that way? Who, more than anyone wants us to feel bad and isolate ourselves and turn inward with our head down? The devil himself. When we allow the glory of God to shine in our life we learn to become warriors. Fighting satan is a daily endeavor and we must be prepared through Christ to succeed. "In the warriors code there's no surrender. When the body says stop, the spirit cries, NEVER," I love Rocky movies. But we have to know that our strength is in our weakness because that's when we depend on God. If we would just do that all the time it would be a lot better. We're driven to win, but we will lose some battles along the way. It's what we do next that makes all the difference as to how we keep our relationship with God first and Him leading us to the real victory. While the other team may be laughing now, it is only temporary celebration. In love always. <><
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Show of hands of who likes to be frustrated. Anyone? Didn't think so. So when we get frustrated with God, and we do, what do we do? That's what keeps many away from Him. It's just too hard. I can't keep this up. He doesn't hear me or care. Things along those lines are what I hear people say sometimes. Remember when you were a kid back in the days of parental discipline? When you had done something wrong, real wrong, you got a spanking and a grounding. If it was wrong but nobody got hurt, you just got a grounding. At first it all seemed harsh but as time went by and you lived through such a traumatic experience, it got easier and you understood the love behind the punishment. Maybe you're frustrated because of what you're doing and not liking the punishment being handed down from God. It's certainly evident in our countries state of affairs. God is the giver of all things and He is the most just of all. But if you find yourself angry with Him or frustrated cause life doesn't seem to be going well, maybe a step back and looking at ourself will supply the answer we're looking for as to why He's not acting on our behalf. He's holding back a flood gate of a blessed and more meaningful life, but He's waiting on our surrender to Him. So get through the grounding and take the time to look at where you are in your walk. Then proceed with great joy in knowing that if He didn't love you He'd just let you be and not show Himself to you at all. Frustration is a tool of the devil and He's been defeated. Stay on the winning side and let God have control of your life. In love always. <><
Monday, October 29, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. I don't care how many times you say it, happy Monday just doesn't sound right. How much is one degree? Not a lot. If you drew a straight line and then from the same starting point you moved out one degree and drew another line from the starting point and the spot one degree off the first line, way out down the line the two would be a long way apart. We'll call the first one God's plan for our lives and the second one we will call our actual path in life. I don't know about you, but when I look back I see a line that's about as crooked and all over the place as one can get. The main thing in that is realizing when the line went back to the original. It doesn't take much for us to get off track. And at first it doesn't seem like its that big of a deal because we can still see and feel some light from God, so we're good. Until we check back in and see how far we've move from center. It's like falling asleep on a float in a lake and waking up on the other side. How did I get here? This isn't what I wanted to happen. And it did take a little while to get there. The good news is it doesn't take as long to get back. God is faithful. He doesn't want us lost and separated from Him. He wants to bless us and keep us for Himself in heaven for all eternity. Just go back. It's not too late and you're not too far away. Don't let the devil tell you otherwise. He's the deceiver. He will make you feel unworthy and unloved and then keep you for himself in eternity. Where do you want to be? Move back to center. One degree is not that far but it can mean the difference between heaven and hell. In love always. <><
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