Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Sometimes when you feel the absence of God, like He's not talking to you or hearing you, it's probably that you have moved away from Him. What's happened to our longing for Him and to be in service for Him? We've become very self reliant and putting God in our lives as an add on. The Bible days are relevant to us today in many ways. So in keeping with that, look at the simplicity of their lives, God and family. Now we have our kids playing sports year round with games on Sunday even. Just a few short years ago when I was a kid that was unheard of. Even on Wednesday because church was on that night too. A poll was taken asking for your most favorite Bible verse. Guess what won? "God helps those who help themselves". Really?  That ain't even in the Bible. He will place Himself within us if we ask Him to live there. From there He will guide us and direct us to what should be our ultimate goal, Home and an eternity with Him. Along the way all things we do should point to Him and His glory. That nothing we've done has been possible without Him. "I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from Me you can do nothing". Jesus. In love always. <><