Friday, November 11, 2011
To Our Veterans
Good morning and happy Friday. Warriors. The defenders of their country. The ones who are willing to give of themselves to help others. Our military men and women are example of selflessness. The example of willing to die for someone they don't know. Jesus did exactly that. They die for our freedoms, He died for our souls. We set aside a day every year to remember those who died and another to celebrate with the ones who served and made it through. Just like Jesus, we need to be thanking them everyday. Thanking them and their families for the sacrifice they are or have made. We need to be on our knees everyday thanking Him for His grace and mercy. He has fought for us and the war is still raging for our place in eternity. I pray we can all find time to thank those who fought for us. I pray we can to do the same for those still fighting for us. In love always. <><
Thursday, November 10, 2011
No Apologies
Good morning and happy Thursday. There are a lot of things written about Jesus and the words He said to people. I've thought about it and can't remember Him ever apologizing for the things He said. For the toes He step on or the eyes He poked. It's because He spoke the truth and there is nothing to apologize for. The truth is what sets us free. He did all those things out of love for them all. He didn't want a single soul lost. He wanted them then and us now to know what it is to be with the Father. He knew they would curse Him, laugh at Him, mock Him and ultimately kill Him. How much are we doing in spite of all those things, except the killing part? I don't think many here will die because of the truth but others have and will in other parts of the world. We have to begin to care about more than just friends and family. We have to be stretched a little to reach those in need that we don't see. We have been called to spread His words and we don't have to apologize for them. Just speak them into the lives of others. In love always. <><
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Time For A Revival
Good morning and happy Wednesday. The political season is upon us, and I am amazed by the things these candidates say they will do. It's like watching the student body speeches from the movies where they're gonna get snack machine in all the class rooms and no homework on the weekends. What happened to the integrity of man? We've become so singular in our thinking. They say they want it to good for everyone and for all to prosper. What are they doing about the spirituality of our country? Nothing. And they shouldn't. That's our job. See how we all forget. We've become a silent voice. No longer speaking up for children of God. The churches are who started all the helping programs for people. All with the right intention. What happened? We quit. We got beat up by the secular world and quit. It's time this sleeping giant arose. A revival of the spirit within us to take this country back and use it's blessed resources for the good of it's own and world it's a part of. It won't happen tomorrow, and that's what the enemy counts on. Our perseverance cannot wane. It has to be strong so our kids see it and can carry on behind us. It's that big of deal. I know it sounds like a crazy idiot with some kind brain problem rambling on, but we're lost as a nation. It starts by a few deciding to do it better and for God. It has to happen. Too many people are playing it safe and trying to simply take care of themselves. People all over our cities need us. They need the love of Jesus we have in us. They need to see they have not been and never have been forgotten. The elite have. Not all but most. But taking the gospel to the downtrodden is not a campaign slogan on the side of any bus. It's our job to do that. Please find a place to plug in and help those who truly need you. In love always. <><
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Do You Believe In The Devil
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you believe in the devil? If you believe in God then you do. Good and evil, the classic story line of a lot of movies and stories. It's no wonder we have become so insensitive to it, the power of the devil. So if both are in existence and both wanting us with them for eternity, how can the devil win. He knows his place. He knows the power of God. He wins by taking God away from us. We have all seen this happening. Hardly a child today goes to school and says a prayer in it. We're not allowed to do a lot of things in the light of PC, (political correctness). So the power of Satan comes from us. We allow and become complacent in our beliefs and actions to not stand up at all. Satan's folks are though. They're loud and making headway. So do we shrink into our homes and just be thankful we're saved. What about the one outside your door? Are they not worth saving? That's our mission. To bring the good news to those who have not heard it in many cases. Think about the kids of today who probably haven't ever heard the news at all. It's not their fault. It's the churches and the lazy people in them. We have got to get loud about Jesus and not let Satan snatch another soul. Evil is winning because it's evil and doesn't care who is offended. Right is right and it wins in the end, but we don't sit back and lose battles along the way just because we do. I hope I haven't offended anyone. In love always. <><
Monday, November 7, 2011
Why Do We Get To Choose
Good morning and happy Monday. The wind and waves obey Him. All things are created by Him. He has power over everything. Why did He give us free will? So that we would make our own choices to do what He has led us to. So that our love for Him would be pure and true from the heart. The hardest thing we need to do is to submit to His will in our lives and not our own. We have the choice to make and the result of that decision is because of how we choose to live. But not always do you see the good for the good or the bad for the bad. Why? Because then it would be an us choosing to do good to just get good in return, not to do good because God has asked us to. The ultimate reward is Heaven and an eternity spent with Him. That's where the good really gets the good. True love for Him and a passion to help others the way Christ did is all that He asks of us. Believe in what He has said and follow the example He sent. Rejoice in the salvation He paid for you on the cross and walk in humbled adoration for the God who controls it all. In love always. <><
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