Thursday, November 5, 2015

Good morning and happy Thursday. Time. Tons of it, but it always feels there's never enough. When I get the time I'm gonna; when I have some more time I'm gonna go see. When I have enough time I'm going to do. Two sisters had a special guest come to their house. One rushed about and made sure everything was done and everyone was taken care of. The other one with their guest and stayed there in conversation and listening to the things He had to say. As the evening went on the first sister began complaining about the other not helping. The Guest then said to her, " are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her." While both things needed to be tended to, Mary chose to use her time to be with the Lord. Most times we have to give up one thing in order to do another. Time is priceless. It cannot be bought or earned. It's value is not recognized until it's gone. We can remember time and the things we spent it on and things we didn't. The challenge today is to spend it wisely on what the Lord as set on your heart. Make sure that you spend time at the feet of the Lord sometime today. It is the best value you'll ever have for your time. In love always. <><