Thursday, August 23, 2012
Good morning and happy Thursday. Forgiveness. How many times a day do you think you make a judgment about some one by how they look or act when you see them? How many times do you do that with people you know or have known for many years? You hold on to an old memory of that wrong they did way back? How many of us look at ourselves in that same light? So why is the light cast differently for us than them? Borrowing from Casting Crowns, " open our eyes to the world at the end of our pointing fingers". The same way we want to forget what we've done in our past is the same way we need to forget others of their past. When this action takes place, we begin to be more like Jesus. When the people of His days here were about to stone a woman to death, Jesus bent down and wrote in the sand. Many dropped the stones they held and left. He then asked for those without sin to cast the first stone. The rest left with that. Jesus had compassion for us that we will never get, but it's not too hard to begin to peruse that way of thinking and behaving. How different would life be if we stopped looking at the outside and got to know the inside? Just think, just as we look at others in that other light, others are looking at us in it. We're just as messy as everyone else and some of us are messier than others maybe. Fact is we are all messy. And when we're pointing at others, three fingers are pointing back at us. I think there's a reason for that. I don't know what Jesus wrote in the sand that day, but it came from love for a sinner about to be killed. He knew her heart and forgave her of the wrong she had done. It was done and over and she was never seen that way again by Him. That's the perfect example of how we should be. Forgiveness. The toughest thing to do and receive but still the greatest thing we can do for each other. In love always. <><
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Seems like anyone you talk today will tell you their opinion on the how bad of shape this country is in. From the economy to the kids today, it all looks hopeless. We sure need to do something to fix this. I just don't know what's wrong with these kids today. You've all heard those things or even said them yourselves. Thing is, we all know the answer. God is slowly and surely being removed from the fabric of this country's make up. What's happens to a well knit article of anything when you remove a thread from it? It then begins to unravel. It has been a slow start but slowly the very thread of God has been being pulled from the cloth that sets us apart from the world. What's wrong today is that we are seeing the unravel begin after the many washings we've tried to give it. This cloth is ruined. It's time to begin anew. To resew the fabric of the values of the Lord into our family. We do that one family at a time and as we do we refuse to ignore the problems of this country any more. To make a stand and be bold in it. To love our neighbors but not excuse the sins. To not just put it off as its their life not mine. It's like keeping the cure to cancer to yourself and not letting the world know about it. Well, we have the cure for the cancer killing our country. God and salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. But it has to start with each of us. We can't wait till someone else starts it. Move. Move now. Do what's right for your family and friends. Don't support another immoral movie, sitcom, law change or anything that goes against God's laws. But continue to love on them all. Don't be hateful but kind in your rebuffing of the ways of the world. Put Satan behind you and move forward in the name of Jesus. In love always. <><
Monday, August 20, 2012
Good morning and happy Monday. Back in the day, not the 80's, Jesus was walking around gathering crowds as He taught and healed and changed lives forever. People, not all of them, saw Him and ran to Him knowing who He was. Many, not all, were brought to a point of salvation in just who He was. When He left to go to His place in Heaven, God the Father didn't leave us alone. He left us us with His Holy Spirit. John and Peter were carrying out this teaching and sharing Jesus to anyone who would listen. On one day, 3000 came to know Jesus, not all. On another day, 5000 came to know Him, but still not all of them. Our work is not about getting all to know Jesus. We are sowers of seed. God is the farmer and we work for Him. We do our part and He will take care of the rest. We don't have to see the harvest of what's been sown. We don't need to pat ourselves on the back when someone gives their life to Him. We just need to get the seed sown. That's hard enough as it is. We're weak in the Spirit and lack faith to move by it, but not all. Make September a month to invite one person to church or for you to go yourself. I invite any and all of you in Amarillo without a church home to come with me to mine. People it's time for a revolution in our country and this is how it starts. Simply planting seed. It will grow and there will be a harvest. But in the mean time, lives can be changing and the field can begin to over flow with abundance. Who would have thought back in the day, yes the 80's, that I would be here like this today. Not many that knew then would have. Lives change through a life in pursuit of a relationship with Jesus. Why would I want to keep that from anyone. In love always. <><
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