Friday, May 20, 2011

What's A Day Worth

Good morning and happy Friday. How much or what would you give to spend a day with God? Asking Him all the questions you have about this life, hanging out and just seeing His awesomeness. To be a part of His activities kinda like a take your kid to work thing. Besides the complete awe and wonder, it would be so cool to talk about everything. So if you could, what would you give for a day like that? What about everyday like that? It's easy to get lost on the big picture sometimes. We think too much about the end results. Take care of today and give that to Him. Tomorrow is not even a guarantee so just give what you have each day and there will be an eternity of time to spend with Him. That's not too much to ask is it? Give Him today and reread this everyday. In love always <><

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Eye For An Eye

Good morning and happy Thursday. What if it really was an eye for eye? If what was done to you, you done back. Someone takes your car, you get theirs. Someone hurts you, you can hurt them. Equal justice for the crimes against you. Thank you God it's not like that. Because I have hurt people with words and actions that I don't want back on me. Things always sound better when it's in our favor or best interest. Until we look at ourselves and examine who and what we are, we have no business worrying about anyone elses business. As communal as God wants us to be, we have to be better individuals first. We deserve death, and it comes, but God shows us grace first. Mercy pours from Him first. That's not how we usually deal with others. We have to get to that place to truly be Gods servants. We do what we can, the best that we can. That feels good. But there is more we can do and our best is not what God knows as our best. Show mercy and grace to others and work on ourselves to be better with our own sin. I really don't want my eyes poked out. Thank you God for your mercy and grace. In love always <><

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just Ask 'em

Good morning and happy Wednesday. So now the low point in my new walk. I love to talk and visit with people all the time. I get along with most people just fine. I had been talking to a couple of the younger guys at work about going to church and stuff. Feeling like a great mentor and puffed out with a little pride. It's not too bad but if it gets out of hand, God will let you know. So apparently I was out of control because all of sudden a young lady walked up to me and said, " You've asked everyone here to church, why haven't you asked me". I had nothing to say and no reason to give. Why had I not asked? Because I had passed judgment on her without really knowing her. God wants our hearts to be true and honest. From there it's a lot easier to be who He wants us to be. And you quickly see that it's not about you and how good you are, it's about Him period. So now I will ask anybody to church and talk to anybody about Jesus. From there it's up to them and God. In love always. <><

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Passing Judgement

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So as I came home yesterday I drove by the front to see a lady and her son walking the dog on the side walk. As I turned the corner I looked back to see, you guessed it, the dog doing his business in my yard. I got parked and came through the house to go get the mail, and sure enough. Man I just couldn't believe someone could be so inconsiderate and thoughtless. Most of my neighbors know how much time and money I put in to redoing the yard. So I took a piece of junk mail and flicked it out into the street. I came into the house still fuming just in time to look out the kitchen window and see a little boy on his bike with a bag to pick up the mess. God told me to "Shut up and stop worrying about the little stuff in life. I got this. Really Bryan, you're upset about that ." I've only felt that low one other time and that's tomorrows message. I have still got to get this message of loving people where they are and passing judgment I have no right to pass. God speaks loudly if we just listen. Thank you God for talking to me so loudly. For reminding me that you are in charge. I love you. In love always <><

Monday, May 16, 2011

For His Enjoyment

Good morning and happy Monday. What's this life for? It's for God to delight in. He's created all things, and in them He finds joy. Are you bringing Him joy? Are the things you do making Him smile? We try our best and that's what He wants. The difference is that when we do mess it up we know how to go to Him and make it right. We know, and rely in, the fact that His promise of forgiveness was nailed to a cross. And that it wasn't just His followers who wrote about it. It was heathens too. It's recorded in all history. So there is where our salvation and our forgiveness is. The more we live for Him and follow His will for us, the closer we get and the less we will be doing wrong. I think about where I was in my life 10, 20 years ago and can see how He has changed me. He's not done by any stretch either. My life is half over given the average age of men. I wanna do this half right. I'm lucky to have this chance because others didn't get it. Don't wait to start living for Him so He can enjoy you more too. In love always <><