Friday, March 23, 2012

Move Me Holy Spirit

Good morning and happy Friday. Why do we leave a comfortable place? What moves us to do something different than what's good right now? Well, we say we hear the Holy Spirit move us. Really? The Spirit moved you to do something stupid? I know I need to grow so I've gotta move to grow right? We amaze me. We can rationalize everything we do. If you have teenagers then you know best of all. But the Spirit and our own desires sound the same because they come through the same voice, but not the same source. So we hear what we want and call it the Spirit. How fast do we move on that? But when we really hear the Spirit move us we ponder and think it out and "pray" about it. The Holy Spirit will move you to uncomfortable places, but as long as God is leading, then it will always be good.  This is a struggle for everyone I know, including me, especially me. Be led by the Holy Spirit today and act as quickly as possible. It's really a blessing for us when we do. In love always. <><

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Going Back Humble

Good morning and happy Thursday. It seems like the longer I stay away from something that I was closer to before, the more I don't like it and the harder it is to get back to it. With people, it depends on how things were when they last saw one another. With God, it's usually in shame for what we've done but sometimes it's anger. In any case, we have to make the effort to move back to that place of relationship. It's up to us to move. When we've been away from God for a while, that's got to be the hardest to come back to, but really is the easiest and most forgiving place we could find. The past is not held against us in a way that keeps us from Him, but because we've come to Him with a confessed heart, He sees it no more. That's not true with each other. It should be but it's not. Reunions are great and time does heal most wounds but don't take too much of it, you're missing out on a relationship you probably need more than you know. Mend your fences with those who you share them with. Make peace in your heart with God. Find His peace for you today. In love always. <><

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Alone In A Storm

Good morning and happy Wednesday. It's tough to go through a struggle or trial by yourself. It's worse, in my opinion, to feel alone in it. Going through something alone can be a choice but feeling alone means that there may not be anybody reaching out to you. There may not really be anyone there at all. We all know God is with us always, and He is all we need. But if that were all if it, we wouldn't need each other. We're sons and daughters of the Most High God, making us brothers and sisters. Family is always there. Not the ones in your house growing up, the family of humanity. We have to be available to each other and help when a brother or sister calls on you. This is God at work in the physical. Not expecting a thing, but to simply love the one in need. It's amazing how we feel when it's given and received. Just like that feeling you have when you really ponder the love if God hanging on a cross for us. Sacrifice part of yourself for others. It's the least we can do. In love always. <><

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How Much Is He Missing In Your Life

Good morning and happy Tuesday. So to finish up yesterday's message: the point was about me clearing out my life junk, but the other was those who were texting and seeing if everything was ok. It's great to be loved and missed, but it's not about us. After we're dead and gone, the people left after us will miss us but they still have a life to live. So, if we're missing the people in our lives this much when gone for just a while, why aren't we missing God in our lives who, for some, hasn't been there in a while? I miss my girls every day that they aren't with me. I know that I still have to keep God first in my life so that my life in Jesus makes a difference to them. So how much is He missing in your life, or have you even considered it?  Take a day, or two and escape to Him. Leave this hustle and bustle behind and reconnect with Him and just see the difference. Then keep Him right there and don't take your eyes off of Him. He's in control of everything else. He doesn't need your help for that. He needs you showing Him to others who have left His side so they will come home too. To you I hurt or frustrated, I'm sorry and I love you more than you know. It's hard to do but I needed to check myself and where I was. In love always. <><

Monday, March 19, 2012

Missing LIfe

Good morning and happy Monday. I haven't missed many days at this in nearly two years of this morning text. I missed Friday on purpose. Late Thursday evening I checked out of this busy world we live in as much as I could. No text, computer, t.v.  Like I said as much as possible. What I found was a sense of how busy I let things get. How I miss people in my life, and how they, missed me. It brought to life some things about community and the need for fellowship. And then it hit me, how much am I really checked out of God's life and much like my mom and dad, is He missing me. I've got to have Him first and that's what I seem to have found as we talked a lot more than before this weekend. My thoughts were clearer and more poignant. I needed to clear a bunch of life junk out and connect better spiritually with God and now with you. It was a good mind and heart get-a-way. And  for those I left alone for what seemed like no reason, I'm sorry,  but I really needed to get connected. God, thank you for missing me and holding on a minute while I get it together with you and not without you. I know I was not fully committed and that you have shown me the error of my ways. I love you and give you all the glory. My life is you being lived today. Help me to live better for you. In love always. <><