Good morning and happy Friday. Do you know what you're supposed to do ? How many times in your life, especially when you were younger, did you have someone say "If you'd do what you're supposed to do, that........" ? So when you heard it means you probably didn't do what you were supposed to do.
How far do you think Peter walked out on the water to Jesus? Two or three steps ? Ten yards ? Or just out of the boat ? Matthew is the only gospel that tells this story. Jesus gave him a simple command in reply to Peter's question. Come. That was all he was supposed to do. Go to Jesus, that's it. The verse says he walked on the water toward Jesus then he saw the wind and was afraid. He began to sink and cried out to the Lord "Save me".
How relevant this is to me today. All I have to do is what I'm supposed to. But as I've walked toward Jesus I've seen the wind, and I failed Him. Not just Him but others as well. That's usually what happens when we don't do what we're supposed to. Our ripple effects others and causes winds to blow at them while they themselves are walking toward Jesus. Or, in some cases, Jesus uses those very messes and winds we've stirred to turn someone's boat around so they can see Him walking toward them. Then they can get out and begin walking toward Him too. But we have to do what He's asked us to do. "Come, come to Me". "Follow Me". And when we don't and we begin to sink, all we have to do is just cry out , Lord , save me. By His grace, mercy, and love we are already saved. We just have to receive it. He will never let you go. In love always. <><