Good morning and happy Friday. What's the difference between want to and have to? The heart. When you have to do something, its hard to really get into it. When you want do something, it's all you wanna do. So what if you had to love God? It wouldn't be much for either of you. But since we have free will and choose to love Him, because our heart really does, is't that much better. So where are you on the scale? Feeling like you have to or in it whole hearted? Or are you somewhere in the middle in the luke warm water bobbing up and down. It's always good to step back and look in a full length mirror instead of the shaving/makeup mirror we usually use. Let your heart lead you to where your brain is keeping you from going. Find the want to inside you. It's there, it just has to be found. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Thursday. Have you ever seen a dog tied to a park bench or a pole so the owner could go into a store or something? That's your past you're tied to. You can't go anywhere until you own it and make good from it. Too many times we use our past as the excuse for our present and future. Our past has happened and that's it. We can use it for the good of the Kingdom or we can blame our lives on it. When we go to God for forgiveness, He gives it to us. Now we have to let ourselves be forgiven and not let satan use it to hold us down. Untie yourself from the past and quit trying to drag it around. Quit making excuses for everything going on and move on. Use the past to help others in similar situations. This is community. This is being part of the body. No more excuses. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Who are we, that the Lord of all the Earth, that the eyes that see my sin, would look on me with love, and watch me rise again (paraphrased). I love that song so much. It just blows my mind how much He loves us, how much He cares about every little thing in our lives. How can we not devote our lives to Him? As we near my favorite season of Easter, I want us all to start picturing our Lord drawing near to Jerusalem to die for us. All the things done and given to us sinners from the beginning. He never left our side, it's us who pulled away thinking we could do it on our own now that we're through the rough stuff. He died for us. A horrible ugly death that we deserve, He did for us so that we could be with Him. He must really care about us a lot. And this is how we treat Him in return? Get ready for the walk to the cross. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Sometimes I find myself without a single word to say to God. I love and take comfort in the fact that I don't have to. He hears my inner most feelings and thoughts and concerns. Along with those groans and sounds that only He can understand. And then give the comfort of letting me know He hears me. I feel like I'm in a whirlpool sometimes with all the thoughts in my head. And in the middle of the chaos He's standing there. Has been the whole time just waiting for me to reach my hand out to His. The one that's been stretched out before for me. Refuge is found in the Lord. There is no other place to be. Tell the world of this place you know. There's room for us all. In love always.
Good morning and happy Monday. When our kids are little they really need us parents. As they get older and mature more they need us less and less. Some hang out and see their parents more then others as they get out on their own. And some just stop in when they need to talk or in a situation that calls for some advise. Either way, a foundation of where to turn to is in place. It's about going to the source of knowledge and know how that makes a life easier to live. Now grown ups, which child are we in our relationship with our Father? Do we go to Him daily or just become and an EC, (Emergency, Crisis or as it approaches, Easter,Christmas) kind of kid? I want and need to see my mom and dad more than I do, but I really need more time with God. What a neat idea of us getting together to do that. Family is always family and our parents are our mentors. But when the first Father is first it all is good. Spend some time each day seeking His guidance and wisdom for the path of life He has for you to walk. It's the best road you can take. In love always. <><