Good morning and happy Friday. God gave most places in the world four seasons. Some get all four in one day. A season is a time of growth and a time of rest and replenishing. There are specific reasons for the seasons. We go through seasons as well and it's what we do with that time in our life that will make the difference for the next one. To understand those times we need God near us and we need wise counsel also. Every year that a tree goes through the seasons it grows taller and stronger. As we go through them we can grow stronger and more mature in Christ. Or we can become confused by it all and end up lost and becoming weaker. The weak are prayed upon and devoured. The strength we find in the Lord as we go through a season will take us anywhere and everywhere He has planned for us. It will require submission to Him. It will we require letting go of what we're comfortable in. It will be a joyous time in our lives also. Turn loose and let go, surrender to Him fully. Be glad that the Father is shaping you in this season. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Thursday. Ever wonder why the Pharisee in Jesus' day never saw Him for who He was? The Son of God standing in front of them and doing all kinds of miraculous things and not get it still. They were looking for something more than what He was. They had their own ideas of what their king would be like. They had their own ideas period. He confronted them and showed them the error of their ways. No one likes being told they're wrong. What ideas do you have that aren't part of what He has for you? Following the Lord is not easy and life doesn't just get better. It is better but the world doesn't see you that way. Don't let uncertainty keep you from Jesus. That's the devils tool against us. You know who and what He is, choose today to follow Him and His ideas and let your world see you being Him. His work done through you is more powerful than anything you can do alone. Don't keep a hard heart to who He is and live a new life in Him. in love always <><
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Who do you think of throughout the day? Is there any one person on your mind all the time? Is it you and your stuff you think about? That's where most of our thoughts are, on ourselves and the issues we have for the day. It's natural and needed. But, we need to be thinking of others as much as we can and as often as we can. Driving down the road, any road, helps me realize that people really only think of themselves. They're the only ones on the road and they're the only one that matters. It's not intentional but it's the result of selfish thinking. What if God was selfish? What if Jesus was selfish? Ephesians says to imitate Christ, hello, not selfish. He was thinking about everyone of us as He hung there in excruciating pain and agony. Today we need to let our thoughts drift to others and how we can be a part of their lives and help or just be there for them. Our busyness keeps us from that. Make time for others and give of yourself , even if it's just a little. In love always <><
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Reflecting back on Friday-Sunday, I was thinking about the Roman soldiers who were there. In a way they represent us. They didn't buy into who Jesus was and really didn't want to be involved in any of the stuff going on. They didn't mind making a spectacle of the whole thing for their own enjoyment though. They were involved in an Easter event and that's it. Some however saw first hand the power of God and came to understand just who this man was. Aren't we really the same in our approach to Christianity? Don't we take a stand back and see attitude? Some will jump on the wagon of putting it down while others will see exactly who Jesus is and what He can do in their life too. Then there are those who know and still aren't on either wagon. I pray that those will let Him in just a little and see how big He truly is. Thank you God for your son and His sacrifice to purchase us all. We're not worth that, but thank you for thinking so. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Monday. I was sitting in church yesterday and young couple with a small, maybe not 1yr old, was sitting in front of me. As kids do, she got a little restless but nothing terrible at all. The dad was holding her giving mom a break. Then I saw it. The look only a mother who gave birth to a child could have. You could see the love for her child all over her face as she watched her girl. She knew what she needed and what to give her and poor dad was just in the way. But as I looked at her face, I saw how God sees us, as only the giver of life can. He knows our needs and wants before we do. I'm amazed at the amount of love we are capable of. If we even get on the scale of Gods love for us we're doing great. Yesterday was a celebration of that love as He looked down at His Son dying for all of us. I can only imagine the smile on His face as He looked at Him as only the giver of life can. He loves us so much. Love Him and His people back. In love always. <><