Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You Lord

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. We are so blessed here in this country. Be thankful this year for the blessings and not just the stuff. A roof, some food today, all the things we almost take for granted. The things we don't realize we should be thankful for until they're not there and small panic hits. But it's ok, we can run down the street and put some gas in the car. There's people all over who can't. There's people all over not sure of the food situation for next week much less for today. Find it in your heart to thank God, truly thank Him for where you are today. There are a thousand people who would trade with you in a minute. Be thankful for the gift of salvation He gave us on a cross two thousand years ago, because when this blink of a life passes on, that's all there will be. Be thankful He loves you no matter what. He is asking us to come home to Him everyday, and He's waiting for us to do just that. Be thankful that He never closes the door to home. Be thankful for the love He's placed in your heart. Don't keep it there selfishly, go and give it away with joy and thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day of Thanksgiving. In love always. <><

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are You Trustworthy?

Good morning and happy Tuesday. You ever do something for someone and not tell them how you helped them out?  How was that persons reaction?  I had a person yesterday not believe I did something for them because I did not charge them on the invoice for it. Really? Where has our trust in each other gone? Why have we taken it upon ourselves to decided whether or not good, or bad, was done? I don't recall reading about any of us creating this world and having dominion over it. It's these small moments of time that we can find the true self. But the problem is, we have to know about God and how He wants us living before we know if we're doing it right or not. So how do they hear? Being in the Bible belt most everyone here at least knows about God, but anymore I question how well we know Him. When He guides our lives, we don't see the cynic inside everyone, we begin seeing who they really are instead. So instead of a thank you I got a chewing out and refunded the other work done. It wasn't much and I don't expect thanks, it just got me wondering why we don't trust each other. It also reminded me, I may not be trustworthy in some eyes. Let's you know it's a daily living, not a once in a while thing, that builds that; no matter how far you have to go to get back. In love always. <><

Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Place at The Table

Good morning and happy Monday. Jesus told the elite of His day to not invite the family, friends, and the wealthy to the feast; but to ask the poor, the crippled,and the blind to the feast. (Luke 14:12-13). It's easy to ask the ones we know or that will return the favor, for something or to something. It's much more difficult to invite the ones that you don't know or who can't return a favor to you, to come to your table. In this world today we have to really look at our motivations. As we drive along the good road we may still be on the wrong one. We've gotten ourselves so deep into doing the good we think we should be doing we missed the on ramp to road that God wants us on. Both headed the same direction but ending in two entirely different places. Good intentions are just that. God intentions are that and more and require a great deal more from us. In Luke 14:1 Jesus warns us of setting ourselves at the place of honor at the feast. We are to be humble and as a servant and let the host move us to the place he has for us. God is the host and eternity with Him is the table. Be careful where you sit yourself. Our feast is us spreading the good news. And while you are here, be aware of who you ask to sit at your table. Who are you spreading the good news to for the Host of all hosts? In love always. <><