Saturday, March 26, 2011
Did You Believe? (3-25-11)
When you were little did you you believe in God? We all at some point heard about Him and His son Jesus. We believed with all our heart in the things He could do. We talked to Him with the purest of hearts and intentions for ourselves and others. There was never any gain for us, just some help for someone we loved. What happened? How did we get so cynical? We grew up and knew everything so we didn't need Him anymore. Boy aren't we smart. Then we got to be married with kids and found out how much we do need Him. But that pureness is gone. We need to find it and get back to a relationship with God that is about others more than ourselves. Find the kid in you that wants to make a difference. In love always
The Price of a Soul (3-23-11)
How much is a soul worth? How much would you give for eternity in Heaven?. When choices are Heaven or hell, we all choose Heaven. Why? Is it really that good of a place? Do you really believe it exists? If you answered yes, are you living to get the results you want. Are you prepared to answer for your life in just a minute? I know there are times in mine that I'm not. It can't be that way. I have to do a better job of living every moment to the best I can. It's hard. It's a high standard and I only make it part of the way on a good day. So why keep trying? Because I will give everything to be Heaven with our Father God. So if it's worth everything, my life is the most I can give and my life it shall be. And I'm taking as many with me as I can. I like company. And because every soul is worth that. In love always
He Makes Me Laugh (3-14-11)
Awesome, merciful, unconditional, and love just name a few of the words you said about God. Mine, comedian. Not in the bad kind, but in the vein of a great since of humor. He makes me laugh. Even in the moments of correcting me or lining me out, He does it in a way to make me look at it and laugh about how He did that. If you know me at all, you know I love to laugh. It makes all things good. With that, given the words used and the people who said them just let me know why we feel those words. We feel them all to a degree, but the ones we posted are in the front of our minds. You see, it is Him meeting us where we are and being all things we need. He is amazing and every other word used. When our lives are changed by one thing or another, there He will be. He is always with us and walking with us through our trials and greatest moments. All He wants is for us to just take a hold of His hand and acknowledge Him. To simply have His love returned. He knows we get mad and have questions about it all this being real, and that's ok. Ask Him. Begin the conversation. Life will change and so will others because of Him in you. All He does is in love. A love I want to know and feel everyday while He makes me laugh at myself and the things of irony He uses to do His work. Thank you all for reading and helping and being a part of my life. In love always.
Believe It or Not (3-7-11)
In the beginning God created....... Do you believe that? Is that what you really believe? Because if you don't believe that, then you can't believe anything else in the Bible. And if you can't believe it then you certainly can't live it. But here's the big one, if you believe it, and everything else in the Bible, why aren't you living it? God cannot lie. Jesus didn't either and so the things that we are told to do by them are exactly what we need to be doing. There is a Heaven and place for you there. There is also a hell and place for us there if we can't live the way He as asked us to. We need to be spreading His word just like He said to. We need to be loving each other, just the way He said to. We need to be loving Him, just like He said to. If you're not reading your Bible everyday, start. The only way to know His word is to be in His word. Read it, know it, live it. He has promised us paradise with Him. He doesn't lie. In love always
Get Out of the Way (3-4-11)
Wednesday I asked if you loved some body so much that you'd die for them. How about loving them enough to get out of the way? If you didn't know by now, God does things a little different then we think it should go. Sometimes you've given your life for that person. And you've given and given and nothing has helped or changed. There's the sign it's time to get out of the way and let God handle this. Your work was not in vain and not thought well of by God at all. But if you keep trying to save them and He's telling you to move, that's when problems arise. We are not the savior. We can not do this alone and God will show you and them that all of this is about Him. There will be a day that every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will confess that He is God. It might be today for some if we get out if the way and let God do His thing. True love for Him is what moves you. We love each other, no doubt, but we love God first. For their sake, and yours, stop and get out of the way. In love always.
The Person on the Outside (2-3-11)
Ever wonder why someone doesn't believe you when you tell them a story or some fact you know about? Is it a lack of trust cause you " don't seem like the person that would know that" or you mess with people too much to be taken seriously? People are basing an opinion of what you say by how they see you. So how will the conversation of faith in Jesus and God go if you're not living that life? It's tough in this world to follow Christ's example. But that's not an excuse not to be trying. Let people see your walk with Jesus and then be approachable and open to talk about it. If people don't go to church and hear, how do they see Jesus? Through you and me and our everyday life. Let them see the Jesus you love so much. In love always.
The Instrument (3-1-11)
Good morning and happy Tuesday. When you go into a music store and see the rows of instruments, I can't help but think about people and God. The instruments are nice and pretty to look at. And just about anybody can make some sound come out of them. But a musician knows what and how to use it the right way and to bring pleasure to others. The instrument itself can do nothing apart from the musician. It can only be there ready to be used. And when it is played, the musician takes the bow, not the instrument. I see us so much now, especially in today's more self centered life styles as that instrument, except that we're trying to blow our own horn. God has plans for each one. A part in the big show that He leads. We all have to do our part. The musician can pick any instrument to play. Today it may be you. Are you tuned and ready for what God is about to do in your life? Let the best of you be used for His glory. The world needs to hear His song. In love always.
Sidewalks (2-10-11)
Good morning and happy Thursday. If you're shoveling your walk and you get it out from the door to the street, and then you decide to do the one that connects the neighborhood, how far do you go? I see that people usually go just to their edge of the sidewalk and stop. Unless it's an elderly or single woman neighbor. Them they go on and do theirs too. Why? That's all we're comfortable with. We might infringe on someones property. It might upset them. That's how we do Gods word too. We only share with those we know it won't offend. They're not the ones that need saving. It's the ones we may offend that need it. There are ways of talking about it without being offensive. We need shovel some side walk and spread Gods love more freely. In love always.
I Love You (2-4-11)
Good morning and happy Friday. I love you. I love you more than you can imagine. There is nothing I will not do for you. There is no place you can go that I will not go to be with you. You have my heart. God is so in love with us. And love is at the root of everything He is about. It's an emotional relationship. It's feelings that run deep inside and they will well up at time most unexpected and cause you to move. I love that He makes me "feel". That our relationship isn't just a once-in-a-while thing. That He pursues me with all He has. If I want this to be, all I have do is stop being chased and turn around to Him. Because since I was a little kid I've known, " Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so..." it's not just a song, it's really His way. I love you. I really do love you. In love always.
You Belong to Him (2-3-11)
Good morning and happy Thursday. Sometimes we just don't feel like we have the strength to do anything or to even let somebody help. We're afraid that if we do they might see all we've done. We want to keep our past just that. But we forget that we're more than that. We're more than what is hurting us inside. We belong to the most high God. We are His. We let this world and the evil in it direct us ever so subtly. You are so precious to Him and He is so madly in live with you, He died for you. Live now for Him and feel His love wash away all the pain and anxiety that you may feel. Let it draw you close to Him and there you will see that everything you've done pales in the shadow of the cross. In love always.
Iron Sharpens Iron (2-2-11)
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Do you know someone that just seems to never be really happy? They just pretend on the outside. They have sayings and quotes posted in their office, but they really don't follow them much themselves. They smile and say nice things but if you catch em with no one else around they're talking about other people. I feel sorry for them. They know there's more to this life but haven't gotten it figured out. It's themselves that have to change. They feel on the inside a longing for what's there but just can't seem to find it. It's God. With an outstretched hand waiting for them to get it. Maybe you feel that way I don't know, just turn around, really listen to what is on your heart. That's God poking at you. And what about those of us who know these people? What are you gonna do to help them? Prov. 27:17 " as iron sharpens iron, so does one man sharpen another". Go and sharpen some folks today. In love always.
You Gotta Ask (1-1-11)
Good morning and happy Tuesday. So if your house is on fire and no one does anything, what happens? If you're in a car wreck laying in the street and nobody makes a call, what happens? Your house is burnt to the ground and you die. Where was God when the planes were hijacked as they crashed into the towers? He was there with each one who asked Him to be. He was there waiting for those who needed Him to be. We have an obligation to ask for the help we need. To ask God to come into our hearts and dwell. The fire dept won't show if no one asks them to and the ambulance won't either. You see when you ask Him, it becomes personal. It's the start of a relationship. But it also has to be maintained. Like an old friend, you're still friends, you're just not close anymore. He's there waiting for the first time or the hundredth time. He love you and will always. In love always.
Number of My Days (1-31-11)
Good morning and happy Monday. Today I have been alive 15,965 days. Thats a lot longer sounding than 43 years. We measure our lives in years and we aren't even guaranteed the next moment. What are we doing each day? We can make a pretty vague list for a year, but what about today? Are we making a difference in lives today? Are we doing what God has asked of us today? I wanna be able to answer those questions every day. I wanna have something to say about what I'm doing at the end of every day. I don't hope that I make it to 44, just a few months from now, but to make it to day number 15,966. Is every day gonna have an impact? Maybe not by our way of thinking, but it may be the difference of a lifetime for someone else. Even the smallest of acts towards someone else shows love and that might be all that is needed. Be thankful for every day. Be humble that you're living it. In love always.
On the job (1-28-11)
Good morning and happy Friday. What if your job went to your church and gave picture of how you are at work? And not just the ones you're friends with but those who just see you and hear you. If the thought of that makes you a little uneasy, you're not walking the walk. I know it's hard not to go along with some stuff. Jokes, conversations about things you wouldn't talk about in church. It's a tough road to walk down. But one that has to be walked. Did Jesus come here and die, for us to just live how we want or to show us how God wants us to live? No one said it would be easy. I can attest to that myself. God doesn't ask a whole lot of us, it's just the part of us we don't want to give up control of. Surrender to Him, to His will in your life and begin to live. Really live. We've just thought we were doing it right. In live always
Friday, March 25, 2011
Our way (1-27-11)
Good morning and happy Thursday. What happens to us when things don't go our way? What do we do when they don't? Before I used to take my ball and go home. If it wasn't my ball I just went home. Don't we still do that now? We do it with our jobs, our friends, sometimes our families, and even our churches. Why? Because it's not your way? What about others and their needs? We are a society that has become so introverted that we think everyone thinks like us and if they don't they're weird. God created us all different but alike. He wants our differences to become our strength. When you can look past a problem you have with someone or something and embrace them or it with love, you're doing it Gods way. Just think if He took His ball and went home. I'm sure He doesn't agree with much of what we do, say or think. Stop staying within and get out of yourself and doing Gods work. In love always.
Help is close by always (1-25-11)
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Isn't it nice to have some help with stuff when you need it? It can be a bonding time and a memory with a friend. What about when no one is there? Do you figure it out and become a little stronger? When we have a struggle, God sometimes let's us go it alone for a reason. He's standing there with us, but letting us do the driving. From it will come strength and knowledge. And then sometimes it's just to see if we will ask for help from Him, to see our weakness and need to lean on Him. Once we understand that need, we navigate rough waters with more confidence and ability. People then see God's strength in us. Those little bits of light in a dark situation. God always shows up. In love always.
Past is Past (1-21-11)
Good morning and happy Friday. The past is the past. We already know it shaped us. But there are some things that need to be fixed. By that I mean there are some ideas and habits and junk we need to let go of. We keep dragging our past with us. We haven't forgiven hurts inflicted by people. We haven't asked for our own forgiveness of the ones we've wronged. We are changed. We're different than what we once were. But these changes can't be just on the outside. They have to come from within. The spirit of God dwells within. That's where our realization of a need to be different comes from. When He moves us, those things we wished we could change in the past become irrelevant. From this moment on, draw on past experience but be receptive to what God needs from you today. Live now, live today for Him. In love always.
Wouldn't Change a Thing... (1-20-11)
Good morning and happy Thursday. If you could go back and change some things in your life, would you? I have a storied past with some spots in it that weren't the best. Some weren't even up to good or all right they were just bad. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing. God has written a book in each of us. It's a story He needs us to tell the world. It needs to be a movie played out in real life. Everything that's happened has made us who we are. It's our job to use those things to help others see that they can make it too. To have faith and hope that God has not forgotten them. God makes no mistakes and the ones we made He will use to help others. But we have to be willing to be a story open to reading by others. For those who knew me back in the day, you know how my life has played out. I'm glad you're reading. In love always
Morning Rush (1-19-11)
Good morning and happy Wednesday. I woke up late this morning and I'm wondering how I'm gonnna make it. You see I have a routine every morning but I'm sure I will forget something in this rush that God is using to remind me right now. In our routines of life we stay comfortable and don't really like the cart shook up any. In the rush of the shake up we forget all the things we need to do or ought to do. Our time with God should just be that. Time we take intentionally to be with Him. Not part of a routine that gets forgotten if the cart is upset. So get out of your rut of life in general and live a life God intended as you walk with Him intentionally. In love always
Gimme your eyes... (5-3-09)
In one second not much can happen. But if you can, imagine how much God sees at one time. How much can He see in one second? What would we see in one second of God’s sight? The hearts of people hurting, lost or in so much despair? The good, the bad, and the ugly of the human race? But not only to see it, but to have God’s heart to feel it. How much would this change our feelings toward humanity? What then would we do or change in our own lives to help others who are in need? Would we extend our hands in love or turn our face away to not have to feel it anymore? What little change can you make to make a big change for others? When we decide to soften our hearts for humanity for the good of God, how much then does the world change? You may not believe anything about God or Jesus or the Bible. But ask yourself, “What do you believe in?” Who do you rely on in times of trial? When you see a homeless man or woman or child, a dog being beaten, an elderly woman push a cart does your heart feel something? Do you feel inside something move you? What makes you feel that way? Why do you feel it? A cold-hearted non-human animal would pounce on the weak and take it for itself…for their own selfish survival. They know no God. His spirit is not in them. He is in us. That’s why you feel at all. His spirit moves you. Humanity without God’s spirit would be merely animalistic: self preserving and ruthless. So what you feel is proof of God’s being. So if that proves it to you then look at this world through His eyes and get His love for humanity deep rooted in your heart and start living for Him. In love always. (originally posted 1/13/2011)
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