Friday, February 24, 2012
Help Your Brother
Good morning and happy Friday. It's about the team really. We talked about edification of the body and how we have to pick each other up. A team is just that, help. When we are seeing one of our brothers and sisters struggling we need to come along beside them and support them. Reminds me of the Footprints poem and the moment that Jesus is carrying the dreamer. Well we are Jesus-like now and it's up to us to do the carrying no matter the cost. Do what you can, when you can. You don't have to and sometimes can't do it all so don't be discouraged by that and take comfort in what you can do. It may be someone else's season for that person. Just be ready for yours. We have to reach out and be Jesus to a hurting world. If you find yourself in a good place, then reach out to others to help. If you find yourself in a rough spot then reach out to others to be helped. The hiding are harder to find. Shine your light. In love always. <><
Thursday, February 23, 2012
How Safe Are You?
Good morning and happy Thursday. So is the devil sitting next to you in church? Could be. Is the church a safe place? Is faith in Christ safe so far as we just have it and we're good? No. Paul talks to the Ephesians about unity and building up the church. As we are the church, that means us. We are to be in unity with each other and build one another up. To think that Satan is not tempting you right at the church door if not the pew itself, is not wise. To think that because we are doing all we can to be Christ-like keeps us from needing correction from another is crazy. Many Christians today have a very false since of security in the fact that they follow Jesus so they are covered. Yes to a degree, but as humans we fall and are in need of help from our Christian brothers. And in seeing a brother or sister falling we are to be about helping them without condemning them. This is judgement made in love and out love for God to not let one of His people fall. Yes, God protects but only to a point of letting a lesson be learned from continual disregard to what we know is right. Love each other and get a long with one another so that God is glorified and His church is built up. In love always <><
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
We Are The Body
Good morning and happy Wednesday. I watched my daughters basketball team play a game last night for the regional qtr finals that blew me away. They played so well together that they were never behind a single point. The usual scorers didn't make as many points and the usual lower scorers did. They worked as a team like I've never seen. Everyone filling a role and playing it to their best. Each part doing it's part for the good of the whole. Sounds a lot like Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus. In it he describes the body as many parts working together for the glory of God. We have to realize and take hold of our role in the season we are in. I believe that as our circumstances change we become another part and so on. God has designed as amazing structure to life. We have to be on board with His plan though to see it through or we may just miss all the good stuff we thought we have. It's not asking much of us to be a part of the whole body by being the pinkie toe. That's an easy season, but sometimes we have to step it up and be the head of the situation. And by our surrender to His will, we will have Him leading us through it. Take comfort in that for a while. In love always. <><
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Be The Vessel
Good morning and happy Tuesday. How available are you? I need some help with some stuff around the house can you come over and help? I bet there would be plenty of offers of help and use of stuff to help. Most of us are good at that sort of thing. But I need some help with a problem I have. I need some guidance in an area of my life I've been letting go for a while. I'm stuck in this,_____, and I can't get out, would you help me? Some would of course but fewer options would be there. Our friends and family need us. They need Jesus in us to be in them. And no matter how inadequate we feel in this area, it's not us that is helping. We are merely the vessel God uses to do what He needs done. There's no inadequacy when you trust God to do the work. " I don't know how to help with that" is not gonna cut it. A friend is in need, no a co-worker you're not real close to is in need of spiritual guidance. Why then did they come to you? Because they see something in you they trust and want. That's your first clue that it's not you but God at work here. Allow Him to wash over you and fill the vessel you are, to full. In love always. <><
Monday, February 20, 2012
Hiding To Be Found
Good morning and happy Monday. So a kid goes missing and the people look and search to no avail. People are praying and no one is giving up. A man is woken from his sleep and hears God tell him to go to this place and find the boy. He does and finds him cold and afraid but ok. The man who woke up is telling this story to a group of troubled kids and teaching about Gods love for them. When the guy leaves, that night a young boy went missing. They found him in almost the same way as in the story. When asked why he did that the young boy replied, " I wanted to see if God loved me that much to send someone after me too ". He knew inside his heart there was a God. He had never been shown to him, but he knew something was missing from his life. We have no idea of the impact we have on others. Show Jesus to the world around you so that His light is seen in the dark world of others. In love always. <><
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