Good morning and happy Friday. I love music. I love to sing and wish I could better. But I really connect with songs sometimes. It's funny to me now to think about the song in my head that I haven't heard in long time. So I know God has placed it there for me today. It's Casting Crowns "Lifesong". So am I living my life that I could have Jesus sign off on at the end of the day knowing my heart was true? That's a tough question. But it's the one for today. What am I allowing to invade my heart and my thoughts that makes me not want Him to know that He already knows? When we can allow ourselves to escape this world and live in it while filtering everything through Him, we'd have it made. But we don't do that. We try and try, and that's good but really getting to the core of it all is the key. That's done by going to Him on our knees and talking about it. He is the only one who can save us from whatever is holding us back from the life He's planned for us. Bow before the King and come to Him broken and humbled and ready to be molded. It's gonna hurt a little, but not like what Jesus went through for us to be able to even approach the throne. A small price to pay for all we've been seeking. While we see ourselves as a mess, He sees a work in progress that's to be a beautiful piece of pottery, useful and needed in His kingdom. Live each day so that you can go to Him at the end of it and let Him sign it in the crimson blood spilled for us. Let your Lifesong sing. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Thursday. Why do you believe in God? Have you really thought about it? Is it just because you were brought up to? Really think about it. I have and I'm still not sure. The Native American knew there was something more then them here. All sorts of cultures had gods of some kind because they knew there was more to this life than this. Well we all have a hole to fill and know that there is really something we were made for and to do. God has been where we found that filling. The amazing thing for me has been how I realize that I've needed this my whole life. That it's exactly what it says it is. God is, was and will be everything to me. And while my stupid self walked around "knowing" everything, God, who I didn't even really know, was right there with me the whole time. He's never left my side, ever. For as much as I rejected Him, He dug in closer to me. Now, I can't live without Him. I know who and what He is and I have no real idea of how it came to be. I'm just thankful that along the way I was introduced to Him at least and came to Him when I did. It simply took this long for the planted seed to start being a plant. Plant some seeds with your life today. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Wednesday. Why do you think Peter wanted to come out of the boat and walk on the water? Do you think he was testing or verifying who he was seeing out on the water? I propose another slant. Maybe he just wanted to be like his Lord. He had seen all the things He had been doing. He knew His voice and when he heard Him speak out on the water he wanted to go to Him. Although they were fishermen, they really didn't like the water. This is a huge deal to get out of a perfectly good boat and go out onto water he knows he can't and has never walked on before. He does know however that if it is done with the help of Jesus, then it is possible. To apply that to today is very simple; trust God for who He is and move to Him and His will when He speaks to you or moves you. Once in motion, don't stop looking at Him and begin to doubt that you really are doing this. I wonder what the others in the boat were thinking as they saw Peter walking on water. Keep your eyes on the Lord and the plan He has for you and people will see you doing amazing things too. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Oh my goodness I got to sleep in today and I feel so good and rested. It makes me think about the rest God offers us. There is so much in this world today that occupies our time and keeps us busy and away from spending time with God. Before all this technology there was more time for a lot of things; family, friends and God. Think about your grandparents and the stories they tell about their time. Sure it had its own problems too, but the most important things in life were always first. Now, those things have slipped down our priority list of importance. It's funny how we think we are doing so much better than the generation before us. As we grow older and "wiser" we begin to see the error of our ways. God offers us the rest we seek from this busy world we've created with the help of Satan himself. So if he's helping us in our demise and is in opposition of God, and if we are seeking peace and rest, then God is where it is found. My grandparents have such an ease about God. They know Him better than me. We have to try and get ourselves to that place. This world is temporary, and we have placed too much value on it. Our intent should be on our eternal life and where IT will be spent. This life here only matters for a short time and is not worth all that we put into it. Find the rest from this world in the very loving arms of God. In love always. <><
Good morning and happy Monday. Well as a guy, I'm not supposed to like the sappy love story movies of the guy's in love with a girl who doesn't notice him kinda of thing, but Mall Cop is a great movie. Lol. Just kidding. I do like the hopeless romantic thing because it reminds me of us with God. We can get to a place where it feels like He doesn't notice us at all. That we're not worthy of His love. It breaks my heart to think of people in that place in their lives. It's just not possible to not be loved by Him. That's what makes me always watch those movies. I know how it ends every time, yet I still watch. Why? Because it shows me hope. As humans in this messed up world we lack the ability to have true faith sometimes and have to be shown what we're looking for. It also reminds me of the fact I'm never too far away from His love and for Him to pull me into His arms. And yes I know how all this ends, but just like the movies, it's fun to see how and what happens on the way there. How many people will see us make our way to the love of the prom queen and have hope in their lives for a big change? How many will see our journey from the dark and lost to the light and found? How many lives are changed by that? That's why I like the sappy love stories, because God breathed life into the best love story ever written; the Bible. It's His love for us that shows how much He loves us so that we can be with Him forever. Let love rule the day. In love always. <><