Friday, November 18, 2011
The Bigger Picture
God morning and happy Friday. I can't stand it when I let people inside my head. When the things they say effect the way I go about my day. It would be different if they knew me or what was going on in my life before they began to make their remarks. We do this to each other all the time. We make assumptions and then speak out on those without a clue as to the facts themselves. We piece together some things and call it proof. The danger in that is it can make you, the accused, lose focus on the bigger picture and dwell in the smaller pixel. Sometimes the race is long and there are lessons along the way for others as well as yourself to be learned and lived before the race is over. As long as we can keep focus on God and not let Satan weave his way into our minds it will be ok. Because your heart will go where your mind is if you don't stay strong. God's plan is not like ours, but if you are doing what He is leading you to, then trust Him to bring you, and the others, through it. Follow through with God's plan and do all you can, when you can, and as you can. The hurt inside is real when can't do what you feel you should be doing. But that may create a bigger problem because your thinking of your plan and not what God may be having you do. I trust Him more than you. Keep your heart filled with Him and don't let anyone change the way He is leading you, even when it feels right to do so. Go to Him and let Him guide you not the words of someone who doesn't know you. In love always. <><
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Web of Life
Good morning and happy Thursday. I just love when God shows up in the place you are and you can't help but feel Him there. When we feel alone or lost or simply unsure of where we're at or what to do, be still. When a fly lands in a spider web, the web works best when the fly tries to fly his way out in a chaotic way. His best chance of surviving is by being still and slowly working his way free. With our lives and the webs we find ourselves in, God simply says be still. But what do you do when you're still. There shouldn't be an answer here but I bet we're are thinking of something. The only thing is to listen. Do nothing and simply wait on God to show you. You still go to work, pay the bills, feed the kids and take a shower. But in those times listen for Him. Trust in God is the key to all of this. Let Him work in you. Let Him have His way in your life. The freedom is amazing and the life change is for real. And your change will affect others as well. So in the web of life today, be still and know that He is God. In love always. <><
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Amazing Love
Good morning and happy Wednesday. By now you've seen or heard about Mark and Gabby Giffords story. It's amazing that she survived and is able to carry on the way she can. Praises are heralded over Mark's devotion to her and her recovery. It's absolutely beautiful. But it made me wonder about how many other couples have gone through very similar circumstances. Without a peep of national news they made it and loved each other like never before. The Giffords story is inspirational and gives hope to others. Those who have gone this road as well have touched the lives of the people who know them. So no matter how big the event is or made out to be, our lives and how we get through them, can and will, touch lives. We don't have to have fanfare and hoopla to make a difference. When others see your life being lived out for Christ, a difference is made; a life is changed. Both are needed, quiet and big bangs, so that everyone has a chance to be a witness to it. Jesus didn't have the media the way we do, and His impact was huge. He made a difference in the small things and the big and it all mattered. Just do what you can and be that little bit of Jesus someone needs to see. In love always. <><
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Buy Into Yourself
Good morning and happy Tuesday. Have you bought into yourself yet? Do you believe in yourself? It occurred to me that if I don't believe in myself, then I don't believe in what God can do in my life. I have begun to see that He gives us dreams. I've always known He talks to us in our dreams, I just never thought about not following through on what He is saying. It's telling Him " I don't think that's right and I'm gonna do it my way". I want to do a better job of listening and then following. My stubbornness has cost me plenty. It may be costing me eternity. Obedience is at the root of our salvation. Hell will be full of "good" people. I don't want to be one of those. I believe in what God can do in all our lives. I believe He is leading His people to great things for His glory. Most of us, me, are not following. Change your mind set and really begin to listen to what God is saying to you today. Then follow with the faith that He has got it handled for you. We could see a change in many lives, but sadly, only a few will step up. In love always. <><
Monday, November 14, 2011
How's Your CEO Doing?
Good morning and happy Monday. If you're the CEO of a company that's failing or not performing as well as it should, do you feel you deserve your bonus at the end of the year? What if you're one of the employees who gets a bonus? I don't think anyone but those in those positions think they should. How many feel like they deserve to go to Heaven? Is the "company" of you performing as it should be? Is it doing the things that are expected of it? Fortunately there is a difference. The CEO doesn't have remorse and ask forgiveness, he just rationalizes his faults. When it comes to our "company" with God, as long as we can admit our faults and not do them again, He will give us the bonus we still don't deserve. But it all has to come with a heart of humbleness, gratitude, and desire to be truly forgiven by the One who can forgive. I'm amazed at what we "expect" in this country. We are greatly blessed here and it's so we can do for others. That's the idea behind our company on this Earth. To help and give to others. How is your CEO performing? Should he get his bonus? In love always. <><
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