Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you grill? Or know someone who does ? There's always a lot of pride in grilling. There's even contests to crown a champion griller. I'm a griller. I love to grill. So let's talk some grilling. The first cookout of the season is usually a great one. The grill is all clean from the winter storage and checked over and made sure it's all ready for the cooking season. It's now towards the end of the season and for some, mine, their grill is not like it was. In order to get the steak done right I have to stay by the grill the whole time to keep the flare ups from charring the meat. I used to be able to just leave it and come back and forth with no worries. But I've neglected the routine cleaning and keeping it in the shape it should be in.
This is how some of our relationships are with God. They start off great and we're ready for the "cooking". Then we get lax and even to a point of taking it for granted. But there are those who take such good care of that relationship that it almost seems unreal. Then there are those, me, who have let things go and flare ups happen and things get burned and even ruined a bit. But the good news is, Jesus made a way for us to be cleaned up and made new and ready each day for a new season. Our job is to get better at taking care of the relationship and keep it fresh and new every day. Fire up the grill and get cooking. In love always. <><