Monday, August 6, 2012

Good morning and happy Monday. Take a look around. Are you where you want to be? Are you where God led you or just where you fought Him to get to? How comfortable are you? That's what will really tell you which road you took. I know I've fought Him on what I thought He was really leading to me to do. I mean I really felt like I was doing His will but the whole time I was really just allowing myself to be convinced of it. So how do we know? How do we find the path He has before us? It starts on our knees. Our prayers to Him are our surrender to His will. They are our obedience to Him. Our need to lean on Him for guidance. Too often we grow impatient with where our life is at the moment and want to do something to change it as if that will make it happen faster. We've all prayed for rain, but it will rain when God wants it to. Maybe He teaching us to take better care of our resources right now. So do we stop praying because there's no answer and He'll get to it later?  Of course not. That's the obedience and expectation of relying on God to provide. He longs to hear form us just as we do from Him. But we are too busy or need gratification now. We lack the patience it takes to see it through so that He gets the glory. Look at Moses and the trek through the desert. Talk about getting impatient. Be in prayer daily for all things, not just the big stuff. Talk to Him like you would your best friend. When we begin to talk to Him the path gets easier to see and to follow. In love always. <>< 

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