Thursday, October 3, 2013

Good morning and happy Thursday. WWJD. We've all seen that and used it and told someone it for some advice to a situation, but how do we know what Jesus would do? We know our family and friends well enough to say "I know what ______ would do if he/she were here". So do you know Jesus that well? Or are we just assuming we've read enough about Him to know? We're wired to be like Him from the get go, but somewhere along the way the world gets inside us and there it all goes, right out the window. So we think differently than He does. He tells us all through the Bible that His ways are not ours. I think the question of WWJD is a very good one. One we should ask before we do anything. But we have to be close enough to Him to know the answer. We also have to be submissive enough to do what's right and to except an answer we don't want to hear. Jesus asked God for another way to save us in the garden. He may not have liked the answer, and He really probably already knew it, but He surrendered His will to God's will. So before we go throwing WWJD around so carefree and easy, we better be ready for the answer. You see the reason Jesus wanted another way was because He would be out of the presence of God while He became our sin in the cross. He wanted to stay close to Him and never be away from Him. Is that where you are today? Because if it is WWJD is a little easier to figure out. Spend time with Him often and get to know Him more than anyone else and see then what happens to the answer of the question. I double dog dare ya. In love always. <><

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