Friday, May 13, 2011


Good morning and happy Friday. How narrow minded do you think Jesus was in His time here among us? Not very. How accepting was He? Ah the kicker. We as humans are narrow minded and tend to be non accepting or on the other end of accepting it all. The difference is that we are not accepting, of people, because of the things they do or who they are. Jesus can't not accept people. His Father created them. We have to find the place where we love humankind and not condone what they do, but love each other because we're all God made. When people feel that kind of love from another human, that's when lives change. It's the moment they mark and look back to at a later time as the point where their life seemed to matter. If you don't believe me, look back and you can see where God left His mark on you. Look at what was going on when it happened. Everything about Him is good. Why do we fight so hard to not be with Him? Love the sinner, just like Jesus does. Because He loves you too. We are all sinners. None better than another. Love each other. Work through the sin together. Let Jesus keep it nailed to the cross for you. Accept the person not the sin. Put it down and carry it no more. A very high price was paid for that to happen. So sinner, do you want to be accepted? Then be willing to do the same that you asking for yourself. In love always. <><

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