Monday, June 13, 2011

Pharaoh Was Warned

Good morning and happy Monday. Great word this Sunday that I have to pass on. Have you ever heard someone say they lost their job, fired, out of the blue? They don't know how this happened and it was for this one thing. Doesn't it make you wonder what really happened? Most people don't get fired for just one thing done one time. You get a few write ups and things first. It's the same with God. We always paint Him as so loving, which He is, but forget about His justness. Justness comes with discipline. And that usually comes with some warnings. As a parent I do the same things and it's out of love that we do that. Trying to guide them into the right direction. To lead them to a better way of life. But after a few warnings out comes the discipline. As a parent, God is no different. He wants the best for us but if we don't mind Him, we're gonna get a spankin. And it's deserved too if you get it. So don't be tellin people you can't believe God did this to you over one thing, one time. He warned pharaoh many times. In love always. <><

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