Monday, November 14, 2011

How's Your CEO Doing?

Good morning and happy Monday. If you're the CEO of a company that's failing or not performing as well as it should, do you feel you deserve your bonus at the end of the year?  What if you're one of the employees who gets a bonus? I don't think anyone but those in those positions think they should. How many feel like they deserve to go to Heaven?  Is the "company" of you performing as it should be? Is it doing the things that are expected of it?  Fortunately there is a difference. The CEO doesn't have remorse and ask forgiveness, he just rationalizes his faults. When it comes to our "company" with God, as long as we can admit our faults and not do them again, He will give us the bonus we still don't deserve. But it all has to come with a heart of humbleness, gratitude, and desire to be truly forgiven by the One who can forgive. I'm amazed at what we "expect" in this country. We are greatly blessed here and it's so we can do for others. That's the idea behind our company on this Earth. To help and give to others. How is your CEO performing?  Should he get his bonus?  In love always. <><

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