Good morning and happy Tuesday. Do you believe in the devil? If you believe in God then you do. Good and evil, the classic story line of a lot of movies and stories. It's no wonder we have become so insensitive to it, the power of the devil. So if both are in existence and both wanting us with them for eternity, how can the devil win. He knows his place. He knows the power of God. He wins by taking God away from us. We have all seen this happening. Hardly a child today goes to school and says a prayer in it. We're not allowed to do a lot of things in the light of PC, (political correctness). So the power of Satan comes from us. We allow and become complacent in our beliefs and actions to not stand up at all. Satan's folks are though. They're loud and making headway. So do we shrink into our homes and just be thankful we're saved. What about the one outside your door? Are they not worth saving? That's our mission. To bring the good news to those who have not heard it in many cases. Think about the kids of today who probably haven't ever heard the news at all. It's not their fault. It's the churches and the lazy people in them. We have got to get loud about Jesus and not let Satan snatch another soul. Evil is winning because it's evil and doesn't care who is offended. Right is right and it wins in the end, but we don't sit back and lose battles along the way just because we do. I hope I haven't offended anyone. In love always. <><
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