Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Something Worth Dying For

Good morning and happy Tuesday. MikesChair's song "Something worth dying for" just keeps playing over and over in my head. It's about seeing your own self worth in the eyes of the Father. That's the key to it all is seeing ourselves through His eyes with His heart. We place too much value on what other people think of us. With that said if you're going through it all wrong to begin with and actin like heathen, then yeah, peoples opinion will matter as they should be guiding us back on track. But aside from that situation, there's not a person one that can save you from hell or get you into Heaven. That being the case, who can? Then that's who matters and that's who loves you more than anything. He's the one and only person that can make an eternal difference in our life. They're are people who help and have a hand in but it boils down to Jesus and you. He's waiting for you to decide to join Him. The angels of Heaven wait to sing and rejoice your answer. All of heaven already knows you are worth dying for or else He wouldn't have came and done it already. And that's just Jesus' love. The Father loves us so much He gave His son up so we could be with Him. Love is at the root of all of this, and it's what we have the hardest time doing it seems. Don't let the world tell you you're something you're not. We all have a purpose that was given by God. That's all that matters; our relationship with Him. In love always. <><

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