Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lin Craze

Good morning and happy Friday. Have you caught on to the Lin craze in the NBA yet? Surely you've seen him in the news?  I think it's great how his life has taken the turn it has, especially his humbleness and faith in the Lord. But really, is he doing anything that's more spectacular then many other players. I've seen a few highlight reels showing him do pretty much what he's paid to do. I haven't seen the things of say Michael Jordan. What I see is a regular guy overcoming some huge odds and making a difference in his teams season. How well are the regular guys, you and I, doing on God's team? You don't have to do this in a big headline grabbing way. Just do what you are lead to and the impact may be bigger than you can imagine. Lin is a great example of just being a regular guy doing what he's supposed to and being humble in the process. He gives glory to God who has put him on a bigger stage to reach a global group of people. Think about his families reach in the Orient who may not know God but might learn to now. Do you part for our team. In love always. <><

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