Friday, February 24, 2012

Help Your Brother

Good morning and happy Friday. It's about the team really. We talked about edification of the body and how we have to pick each other up. A team is just that, help. When we are seeing one of our brothers and sisters struggling we need to come along beside them and support them. Reminds me of the Footprints poem and the moment that Jesus is carrying the dreamer. Well we are Jesus-like now and it's up to us to do the carrying no matter the cost. Do what you can, when you can. You don't have to and sometimes can't do it all so don't be discouraged by that and take comfort in what you can do. It may be someone else's season for that person. Just be ready for yours. We have to reach out and be Jesus to a hurting world. If you find yourself in a good place, then reach out to others to help. If you find yourself in a rough spot then reach out to others to be helped. The hiding are harder to find. Shine your light. In love always. <>< 

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