Let Your Lifesong Sing
Good morning and happy Friday. I love music. I love to sing and wish I could better. But I really connect with songs sometimes. It's funny to me now to think about the song in my head that I haven't heard in long time. So I know God has placed it there for me today. It's Casting Crowns "Lifesong". So am I living my life that I could have Jesus sign off on at the end of the day knowing my heart was true? That's a tough question. But it's the one for today. What am I allowing to invade my heart and my thoughts that makes me not want Him to know that He already knows? When we can allow ourselves to escape this world and live in it while filtering everything through Him, we'd have it made. But we don't do that. We try and try, and that's good but really getting to the core of it all is the key. That's done by going to Him on our knees and talking about it. He is the only one who can save us from whatever is holding us back from the life He's planned for us. Bow before the King and come to Him broken and humbled and ready to be molded. It's gonna hurt a little, but not like what Jesus went through for us to be able to even approach the throne. A small price to pay for all we've been seeking. While we see ourselves as a mess, He sees a work in progress that's to be a beautiful piece of pottery, useful and needed in His kingdom. Live each day so that you can go to Him at the end of it and let Him sign it in the crimson blood spilled for us. Let your Lifesong sing. In love always. <><
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