A Drop In Visitor
Good morning and happy Friday. I read an interesting take on the end times yesterday. Understand I'm not about predicting a day. So back to the reading. Do you remember back a ways when people would just drop by and see you? Today it's not proper to just drop by unannounced. I remember being at my grandparents house and people just stopping by. They loved it. And would visit for hours. They would stop what they were doing and visit. Today we don't like it when someone stops by. The drop in visitor. We have too much going on to take the time to visit. Our house isn't tidied up. If I'd known you were coming by I would have cleaned a little. Well, there's a drop in visitor coming and He's not saying when He's stopping by. Is your house in order? Is it tidied up enough to have a visitor stop by? We don't know when it will be but for a fact it will be coming. We need to take more time with the people in our lives and the ones who drop by. I've said it before, be found doing God's work and you won't have to worry how clean the house is when the last visitor you ever have stops by. It could be today. Get the house in order. In love always. <><
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