Thursday, May 31, 2012

Good morning and happy Thursday. We have an old wall clock that you have to wind with a key about every two to three days if you want it to keep good time. Every once in a while I forget about it and days turn into more days and then I look up and there it is, stopped. I usually find the date hand on a date two days ago. I didn't even notice it had stopped and that familiar sound of it tick tocking was gone. It really needs more attention than I give it but surely I can keep up with it every couple of days. Not really, it was stopped this morning. I know it's a small thing but I'm very anal about clocks and time in the house, (OCD),so it's higher up my list than on most peoples. But it made me wonder how much I neglect my God. I often I take Him for granted and just know He will be there and don't worry about putting in some time with Him. Well, I study a lot and talk in the mornings with Him and lead a singles group and a Sunday school class, I'm doing okay, right?  That's not it at all. It's not bad but I'm missing the point that I study about. He's about relationship and I have to do better at mine and His. He's doing His part and I'm failing at mine. One day the clock won't be ticking at all and I'm gonna wonder what I've been doing that let me forget to keep it wound up. We can get caught up in doing a whole lot of good things and neglecting to spend time, good quality one on one time, with God. Hell will be full of good people who do good things. God will bring Home those He knows. Make more time for Him, just Him and nothing else. Not just the fleeting moment between the last thing and the next thing. I'm gonna stay on top of my God clock and make sure it doesn't come to a stop anymore. In love always. <><

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