Friday, June 29, 2012

Good morning and happy Friday. Busy busy busy. No time this morning to talk to God. Slept in and took a long shower. Played a game on phone and just let time slip by. My day is going ok so far but I can feel the difference. Now I have taken some time to at least stop and listen and let myself go to Him and already better. He is awesome. Why are we not in utter awe of Him daily? How am I letting these moments with Him slip by? I'm lazy in my devotion to Him. We are studying Revelation on Wednesday nights and it has finally sunk in that He is the Sovereign Lord and as I see John describe Him on His throne, it just gets to the core of me. Even still, feeling that power, I still slip. My humanness is weak. The more and faster I see it, the closer I will get to Him. John saw a glimpse of Heaven and the Lord in all His Glory. He then relays the message of that visit to us today so we can get ourselves to that place. It is real and it is coming. God is all that is written of Him. Prepare the way home now and don't let time with Him slip by. Thank you God for loving us all. In love always. <>< 

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