Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good morning and happy Tuesday. God said to take care of the poor, the orphans, and the elderly. I think we're doing a poor job of that. What does it say about the state of our culture if the biggest news in Texas, for some, is the cowboys win? Did you know that the government's emergency system issued a warning against zombie attacks. It was done as way to get the countries emergency system operators to look at preparedness plans. But yet it took zombies to get their attention. The news of the day is about the very things God told us to care for and we've become so numb to life we can't see it. Moreover we can't feel it. We're losing our contact and relationship with people. We pull into our drives and go inside and shut the door and call it safe. I know it's not all of us but it's most of this country. We're being cornered and fenced off so that Satan can have his control over us as well. Who's gonna stand up? Who should be standing up?  We fall on our knees to fight Satan. We have to stand up after the amen and do what God is directing us to do. It's to love each other and to take care of each other. Every four years we divide up sides and tell lies and deceive to get what we think we want. It's got to end with a revival of the Christian nation taking back what we've sat around and let go of because we didn't stand up. It's easy to pray for guidance. It's hard to follow the trail He laid out before you. Let's make a difference in this country with or without a government you like. They don't do it anyway, we do. Love on someone today and tell them you love them. Let people in your life know they matter and then go matter to people who don't know you. In love always. <>< 

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