Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Sad news yesterday about a girl here killed when her car was hit by a train. People began posting prayers for the family and stuff and then there were some that made some assumed comments about what they thought. I got to thinking about those people. Assuming they know something but really don't. How do they get this? How do they think they're right about something they have no idea about? Is it from some past experience or just figuring that's what it always is in these cases so it must be what caused this one too? How many people are hurt by Christians in the world and so they figure all Christians must be like that? How many Christians assume they know God and His ways? Spew out a bunch of stuff that really makes Christians look bad. Westboro Baptist comes to mind. More on them later this week. How about you, what are you assuming about God and His plans? Who do you make assumptions about that you really don't know much about?  Are we judging without thinking we are? Of course we are. We do it all the time. It's hard not to.  So how do we fix it? We have to build our relationship with God the Father through His son Jesus. The only way to function at optimum performance is to be so like Jesus. The only way to be like Him is to be with Him. Proof is the apostles. Uneducated fishermen and tax collectors and we read their writings today. What changed them from assuming men of the world into loving men of God; an interlude of time with Jesus and they were changed forever. How much time will we take to change that way and make an eternal impact on others? Choose now and stop wasting time. Go out and love on those you may have made an assuming thought about that has kept you away. Those are the people real stories come from most of the time, I assume. In love always. <>< 

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