Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Good morning and happy Tuesday. Show of hands of who likes to be frustrated. Anyone? Didn't think so. So when we get frustrated with God, and we do, what do we do? That's what keeps many away from Him. It's just too hard. I can't keep this up. He doesn't hear me or care. Things along those lines are what I hear people say sometimes. Remember when you were a kid back in the days of parental discipline? When you had done something wrong, real wrong, you got a spanking and a grounding. If it was wrong but nobody got hurt, you just got a grounding. At first it all seemed harsh but as time went by and you lived through such a traumatic experience, it got easier and you understood the love behind the punishment. Maybe you're frustrated because of what you're doing and not liking the punishment being handed down from God. It's certainly evident in our countries state of affairs. God is the giver of all things and He is the most just of all. But if you find yourself angry with Him or frustrated cause life doesn't seem to be going well, maybe a step back and looking at ourself will supply the answer we're looking for as to why He's not acting on our behalf. He's holding back a flood gate of a blessed and more meaningful life, but He's waiting on our surrender  to Him. So get through the grounding and take the time to look at where you are in your walk. Then proceed with great joy in knowing that if He didn't love you He'd just let you be and not show Himself to you at all.  Frustration is a tool of the devil and He's been defeated. Stay on the winning side and let God have control of your life. In love always. <>< 

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