Thursday, November 15, 2012

Good morning and happy Thursday. Faith, where to begin? This is from a Christian view of faith in God and in our lives. First, faith is the belief in something not seen.( Church way version ). I think you could add and not known. Not everyone knows God, but they still have a nagging in the inner being of something bigger. It's trust on steroids. So we've heard the phrase living in faith, or walking by faith. One and the same. From old text walking meant our life journey. So how do you live in faith? It can be a two edged sword for some. " I have faith that God will take care if this". Sure but what is your part in "this". If its the bills being paid your part is working and writing the check. He gave you a job to work at and trusts you to do what He needs you to do there. " I have faith that God will heal him and make him well ". Yes He can, but the healing may be on the other side of this life and not in that hospital room. When we lose our faith in God we're no longer trusting His word and then we are headed for doom. Again, faith is in what we can't see or don't always know. We're trusting God to be who He tells us through the prophets and scripture He is. That's really as far as you can take it. Just because you have faith doesn't mean the check is written and mailed for you without you doing something. Faith in God is the same thing, you have to be living for Him. Humble yourself and serve. Serve others needs and let them see God in you and then they have hope which leads right to faith. That's why they are together in the Bible with the biggest gift of all, love. He loves us no matter what. He has faith in us no matter what. He has hope in us no matter what. We feel His presence enough to know He's there. Have the faith to know He is who He is. He will never forsake you and never leave you. It's us who walks away from Him. And sometimes it's because we've lost our faith in Him. It is a daily ordeal for some an hourly one for others and that's why it's living, walking, in faith, it's all the time. You never saw Jesus and you never saw Him die for you, but have faith in Him that that is exactly what He did out of love for you. Your eternal life depends on it. In love always. <>< 

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