Friday, December 7, 2012

Good morning and happy Friday. How do you feel today? How about yesterday? What was the difference between them and say last year at this time? Do you remember what you were doing and how your life felt the day before 9/11? Yeah me either, but we remember where we were that day though. The day before your life changes forever, feels like any other day. Until you know Christ nothing seems different. Everyday is the same and then one day it changes and you wonder how you ever lived without this before. How do we pass this to people so they don't waste days of their life not knowing Him? It's different for all of us but it's a question we have to find the answer to, lives in eternity depend on it. Those days that are behind us are for us to remember so that we realize the day it did change. I once was lost, but now I'm found. I once was blind but now I see. We have all been lost and blind in the past. Can you imagine physically being blind and then seeing clearly in an instant. Being lost somewhere in the mountains and wondering if death was your next day, and then rescuers turn the corner to find you. Your life would never be the same. You would remember the day it happened, but the ones before may all seem alike. Live for the day He found you and opened your eyes to see. Be an instrument for Him to use to help others the same way. In love always. <><

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