Friday, March 29, 2013

Good morning and happy Good Friday.  So last night, almost two thousand years ago, Jesus was in the Garden praying. On this day He was beaten and whipped so bad, that as He was marched down the road with His cross on His back, mothers turned their children's eyes away. This is something they had seen before but obviously not this bad. Skin was torn from His back. His face was beaten so bad you could hardly recognize Him. All of this, He did for us. The punishment we were meant for is taken upon Him. The last sacrifice to God. The veil that separates us from God is torn and is no more. We have direct access to God Himself through this sacrifice. That is why we call it "Good" Friday. It's good for us. We are saved by the blood spilled on this day. As we look back on this day, we see the saving grace of God. On that actual day, they could not see it really. So tomorrow would be a day of great worry about what was to come. He's gone, the leader of this movement is gone. What do we do now? They lacked the kind of faith we have today. But they also saw first hand what our Lord endured for us. Please find the time this weekend to be prone on your knees with thankfulness for the sacrifice given to buy you back into heaven and an eternal life spent with God. We were bought at a very high, unrepayable price. We are worth that to Him. Honor Him now with a life lead to pay respect for what He did for us. Bare your cross proudly and live your life for Him as He gave His life for us. In love always. <>< 

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