Friday, August 30, 2013

Good morning and happy Friday. Why is it so hard to open a door?  Or, why is it we won't work as hard to open a door as we will to walk through one that is already open? I know we say that God opens doors for us when one closes. I'm not so sure He opens them for us. I do believe He leads us to them, but there is some work and effort required of us to do our part. Life would be so easy if all the doors He wanted us to go through were already open, but then what kind of Christ follower would we be if it was just that easy? When we make the choice to turn the knob and pull, yank, or just simply open the door, we're saying to God that we believe and have faith in Him to lead and guide us. Far too often we come to those spots and find it too difficult to make that decision and turn around and find an already open door and take the easy way out, just to find ourselves down a road we didn't intend on being on. I wonder how many wonderful blessings we leave behind those closed doors? Ones that would have changed our lives and others in ways we could not imagine. Just a little effort on our part instead of wanting and waiting on God to do it for us. I'm not saying that we do things for ourselves apart from Him to gain favor. Sometimes behind that door may be a little heartache and pain, but if is by God that we are there, it is for the greater good of the whole. I see myself in a hallway with many doors, some opened and some closed. I feel the Holy Spirit leading me to a door that is closed. It's hard to open and I can't find the key. I fall on my knees and ask God for His guidance and wisdom. Humbled before The Lord the door opens. The key to unlocking those doors is our willingness to surrender ourselves before Him. "Well done good and faithful servant. You may enter". Oh what a glorious day. Until then, when the door behind you closes, open the one He's brought you to. Do it with the fullest confidence in Him to be leading you to where He is. In love always. <>< 

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