Monday, September 23, 2013

Good morning and happy Monday. Everyone knows the story of Jonah in the whale. I heard a sermon on it yesterday that reminded me of a few things we do today that Jonah was doing then. God told him to do something. Jonah tried to run from God, as if. But think about that for a minute. Jonah tried to run from God. We know today that that is impossible. How close was Jonah with God to believe it possible to do so. How personable was God to Jonah? I think he knows he couldn't, but the fight or flight in him told him he could. They have a close relationship for that thought to be possible. We think we can hide things because we're not close to God and therefore He doesn't enter into the equation. So then Jonah is on a boat going the opposite direction he was told and huge storm threatens to sink it. Jonah knows God has found him and the storm will go away from the ship if they throw him off of it. Have you ever been caught by your parents at that party you shouldn't have been at? If you leave the cops won't be called and you alone can face the punishment for your actions. Jonah is busted and then in only God fashion swallowed up by a whale. Alone for three days and nights he has no hope but one, God. That's the same for us too. And when he's let out of the fish he's on the beach of the very place God was sending him to start with. Why do we force God's will on ourselves instead of surrendering to it? This story of Jonah has so many things to offer us about ourselves today. Tomorrow we'll finish up this wonderful story and see if we see ourselves in Jonah some more. For today, hear God's voice. Listen for it and follow His direction. He has only the best of things for you. It might be a little rough along the way but some how it is always worth the ride. It may also not be for you that you endure something. It may be for a complete stranger or friend. But it will be worth everything to see the life of someone else changed to see the glory of God. I want everyone there. All of us. No one left behind. Do your part today to do what God is calling you to do. Don't get swallowed up. In love always. <><

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